In an inspiring development, Tulsi Kumari, an 11-year-old girl from Jamshedpur sold mangoes worth Rs. 1.2 lakh and even got a smartphone to receive online education. Thanks to social media, her efforts were amplified and got to a Mumbai-based donor. The Mumbai based business man decided to empower the girl’s dreams and bought 12 each at Rs. 10,000 per piece.
In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, students across the nation are forced to receive online education. While the privileged students have no problem in doing so, students from challenging economic background are left to fend for themselves.
11-year-old Tulsi Kumari was also one such student. Due to the COVID-19 induced lockdown, her family’s financial situation went from bad to worse. As they had no financial resources to buy a smartphone, Tulsi took matters in her own hands and started selling mangoes.
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Jharkhand | 11-yr-old Tulsi Kumari from Jamshedpur sells 12 mangoes for Rs 1,20,000, buys a smartphone for online classes
A man from Mumbai bought 12 mangoes at Rs 10,000 each seeing her determination to study. This helped Tulsi buy a smartphone for her studies, says her mother
— ANI (@ANI) June 30, 2021
“’Sir’ bought 12 mangoes at Rs. 10,000 Each”: Tulsi Gives an Account
Speaking to a leading news portal, Tulsi said that she wanted to buy a smartphone but whatever money she received by selling mangoes was put into getting essentials for the family.
“Then a ‘Sir’ bought 12 mangoes from me for ₹ 10,000 each. He also bought me a phone.”
Her mother, Padmini Devi narrated her family’s story and said that Tulsi also has a younger sister – a class 5 student – who also was in need to get a smartphone to pursue online education. Devi said how her daughter was adamant about getting a smartphone and took matters in her own hands by selling mangoes on roadside in the lockdown.
Devi further said that her efforts were amplified and reached a man from Mumbai. The man then sent her money so that Tulsi can get started with her education and make something of herself in life. Devi also thanked the Mumbai based man who helped her family and furthering Tulsi’s passion for studies.
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How Mumbai-based Ameya Hete came to know about Tulsi’s Pain?
In a report, Tulsi was cited saying that she wasn’t able to bear the fact that she wasn’t able to attend her online classes and therefore she started selling mangoes. Somehow, fortune favored Tulsi’s efforts and a person came to her when she was selling mangoes and took her video and shared it on social media. As seen several times, the word spread like fire and caught the attention of Ameya Hete.
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Tulsi Receives Year-Long Internet Connection, Smartphone and Financial Aid
The Mumbai based savior is a businessman Ameya Hete of Valuable Edutainment Private Limited. Speaking to News18, Ameya said that he came to know about Tulsi’s passion for studies and her financial struggles. Hete instantly came to rescue and bought 12 mangoes, at Rs. 10,000 per piece. Further, Hete also bought Tulsi a smartphone worth Rs. 10,000.
A savior of dreams, Hete also has been claimed to have granted the 11-year-old girl a year-long internet connection so that Tulsi’s studies go uninterrupted and she can receive the education she is passionate towards.
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“Tulsi is a smart and hardworking student”: Ameya Hete
In a letter sent to Tulsi by the company’s MD Ameya Hete, the company said-
“We hope that this helps you not only through these tough times, but help your future education needs as well.”
We are proud of you Tulsi for setting an example and not submitting to your reality. “Where there is a will there is always a way .”
— Ameya Hete (@ameyahete) June 24, 2021
Hete was quoted by News18 saying-
“Tulsi is a very smart and hardworking student. We are happy if she completes her education with the help we have given. We will continue to help her when she needs it.”