In a heartwarming news, a 63-year-old Odisha woman willed her property, jewellery, all of which amounted to worth Rs. 1 crore, to a rickshaw puller and his family. The woman received affection, attention and assistance of the rickshaw puller and his family at a time when she was going through multiple tragedies life had thrown in her way. The woman, named Minati Patnaik, recently announced that she would be bequeathing her property and things she owned to her rickshaw puller, Mr. Budha Samal. Reportedly, Mr. Samal had been by Ms. Patnaik’s side for the better part of the last 20 years.

Meanwhile, displaying true spirit of generosity and humanity, Mr. Samal claimed that being by a person’s side when they are distressed is just a duty, and that’s all he and his family were doing.


As socially complex people, we don’t just have one family.

Our first family is the family we are born and brought up with.

And then, there are families that we grow up and get associated with. And at times, they are more important than our “real” families for one sole reason. It’s because they didn’t have to love us, and they didn’t have to be by our side for responsibility’s sake. But because they choose to do that.

So, who is our true family? Is it the people we are bounded by blood? Or is it the people we choose to be with who are far from blood, but look out for us more than our own families.

If you ask this to 63-year-old Minati Patnaik, she would have a clear answer to the question.

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The Facts of the Matter

When Budha Samal, a humble rickshaw puller from Odisha heard that he has inherited property and jewllery that amounts to Rs. 1 crore, he was shocked beyond the belief. The shock came because the will didn’t come from his family or close relative, but from a 63-year-old woman who was repaying the good deeds Mr. Budha made.

Reportedly, Ms. Minati Patnaik inherited his property to her rickshaw puller and adopted his family. The move came as a shock to both Ms. Patnaik and Mr. Budha’s family. However, Ms. Patnaik was sure on her decision.

Tragedy Strikes Elderly Woman; Husband, Daughter Die in 1 year

Back in 2020, Ms. Patnaik faced multiple tragedies which shook her to the core. First, her husband with whom she spent decades of her life with passed away due to cancer. And he was followed by the couple’s only daughter, who also died due to cardiac arrest. A husband’s death is tragic, but a child’s death, it’s something beyond tragic.

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“Experienced Depression, Anxiety After Passing of Husband & Daughter”

Naturally, she was at a stage where she was all on her own and faced mental issues such as anxiety and depression. “After death of my husband and daughter, I was left alone. It was worst phase of my life. I experienced depression and extreme anxiety following departure of two souls closest to me. That was time when I required words of comforts from my relatives. But no one turned up,” she was quoted in a The Hindu report saying.

However, Mr. Samal, who was associated to her family since the past two decades, became the hope she needed. From carrying out odd duties during odd hours, to offering words of comfort when she was anxious, Mr. Samal and his family helped Ms. Patnaik during a tragic phase of her life.

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“Can’t Leave Him in Despair”: Woman Claims as Family Disapproves of Giving Away Property

During the turbulent times, Mr. Samal, and his family which includes his wife and two sons, used to come to Ms. Patnaik’s place to help her out. Soon, Ms. Patnaik asked the family to move in with her and stay in her 3-storied home.

Soon, Ms. Patnaik came to the decision of bequeathing her property to the rickshaw puller and his family. She faced some disapproval from her extended family who insisted that she gift the building to the government or a private institution. “I told them that I don’t know any government or institution. As Mr. Samal served me and family without desire of any return, I cannot leave him in despair,” she said.