Humanity has nearly left this generation, for the evidence take a look at the recent incident, which took place on Tuesday, in Pakistan. In a viral video which is constantly getting circulated on the social media platforms depicts an act of shame. In the video a crowd of around 400 people can be seen assaulting a female TikToker, they dodged her into air and forcibly stripped her. In this case police has booked FIR against hundreds of unidentified people.

The Shameful Incident

The complainant and the survivor woman stated that she, along with her six companions were filming a video near Minar-e-Pakistan on Independence Day. They were suddenly attacked by around 300 to 400 people.

She said that she and her companions tried so hard to escape from the crowd but they couldn’t and the crowd kept pushing and dodging them. In the incident her companions were too assaulted. Sensing the upcoming possible danger due to the situation, the park’s security guard opened the gate to the exit of Minar-e-Pakistan.

See the horrific Incident here:

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FIR Against Hundreds of Unidentified People

On Tuesday, The Lahore police filed a case against hundreds of unidentified persons for assaulting and stealing from the woman TikToker and her companions at the city’s Greater Iqbal Park on Independence Day.

The FIR was lodged at the Lorry Adda police station. Her ring and earrings were “forcibly snatched”, mobile phone of one of her companions, his identity card and ₹ 15,000 were snatched too.

Lahore DIG Operations Sajid Kiyani ordered the superintendent of police (SP) to take immediate legal action against the suspects who are all involved in the incident. Further adding he said that those who marked a woman’s honour and pride with black stains will have to pay for their actions.

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Traumatised Girl Explains the Incident

The woman was still traumatised and broke down in tears while briefing about what happened on August 14.In the FIR, she said that she and six of her team members went to Azadi Chowk to record a video clip of the celebration, where she was attacked by a mob. She was humiliated and assaulted for an hour before some people finally managed to save her.

The woman made a statement that read, “We were shooting the clip when a good number of youngsters started teasing me. They were joined by more and more. Seeing the suspects harassing me, the security guard of the Minar-e-Pakistan Park opened the central gate to let her enter to take shelter.”

Further adding she said that, “When I crossed the gate and entered the park, the suspects came after me. They tore my clothes and molested me. They dragged and tossed me up in the air for fun. They also beat my team members, and used abusive language.”

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Netizens Angry Over the Shameful Act

As the Incident started catching attention, netizens on twitter started sharing their angry reactions. Many users prayed that the woman gets back to normal after such traumatic incident. Here are some of the tweets by netizens:

Actress Mahira Khan was ashamed at this incident and she tweeted a series of tweets which said that, “ I can’t believe what I just saw!!! I’ve said it before and I will say it again – make an example out of these men!  #MinarePakistan”

In the second tweet she wrote, “Damn I’m sorry.. I keep forgetting – it was Her fault!! Poor 400 men..they couldn’t help it.   #MinarePakistan”

It’s been quite some time that the Chinese short video app has been banned in Pakistan for allegedly allowing inappropriate and explicit content without prior consent.