Bollywood actor R. Madhavan’s 16-yo son Vedant won 7 medals at the recently concluded swimming championship. Along with making his actor friend proud, Vedaant also made the country proud and since has been lauded as the ‘ideal son’ by the netizens. The medals came from National Aquatic Championships, Bengaluru where Vedaant represented Maharashtra. Although Vedaant fell short of winning a shiny gold, he ended up clinching 4 silver medals and 3 bronze ones at the competition. Vedaant’s achievement comes at a time when several star-kids are facing the heat due to their involvement in much unsavory matters.


Bollywood star-kids are looked by the media and the masses as a ‘do-no-evil’ version of their parents. These star-kids are expected to achieve as much, if not more as their parents. And if and when they lose the sight of the big picture, they are scrutinized more than most teenagers.

Recently, Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan’s son Aryan is facing the heat after being caught in the ongoing drugs-on-cruise case. Along with Aryan, Chunkey Pandey’s daughter and actress Ananya Pandey is amid the brewing controversy.

On the other side of the spectrum, son of popular actor Madhavan is making his actor father and the nation proud after winning medals at the national swimming championship.

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The Facts of the Matter

Bollywood actor R. Madhavan is one of the most popular Tamil and Hindi film actor. Along with being a hearthrob for ladies on the onset of Rehna Hai Terre Dil Mein, he also starred in Mani Ratnam’s Alai Payuthey, Guru, and AaythaEzhuthu. Known for his acting abilities, Madhavan is perhaps on his way of being a proud father of a sportsperson.

It was recently reported that R. Madhavan’s son Vedaant won several medals at a national level swimming competition. The 16-year-old boy made his father and the entire nation proud at a swimming championship held at the Basavanagudi Aquatic Centre, Bengaluru.

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Which Events Did Vedaant Win Medals In?

Representing Maharashtra, he won 4 silver medals and 3 bronze medals at the National Aquatic Championships. His silver medals came from 800m freestyle swimming, 1500m freestyle, 4×100 freestyle relay, and 4×200 freestyle relay events. His remaining bronze medals came from 100m freestyle, 200m freestyle and 400m freestyle swimming events.

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Prior Achievements of Vedaant Madhavan

It should be noted that the star-kid has chosen swimming as his forte and has won several other awards as well. Earlier, Vedaant won the bronze medal at an international swimming meet, a bronze medal at the Khelo India Youth Games’s third edition, and now, 7 medals at the aquatic championships.

Madhavan’s Heartfelt Message on Vedaant 16th Birthday

Madhavan, a loving father, makes it a point to celebrate the achievement of his son and acknowledge them on his social media platforms. On Vedaant’s 16th birthday, Madhavan aka Maddy wrote a heartfelt message on Instagram which read – “Thank you for beating me at almost everything I am good at and making me jealous yet, my heart swell with pride. I have to learn so much from you my boy. As you step into the threshold of manhood, I want to wish you a very happy 16th birthday and hope and pray that you’re able to make this world a better place than we are able to give to you. I’m a blessed father.”


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Netizens React to Vedaant’s Medal Winning Performance, Calls Him ‘Ideal Son’