On Friday, Actress Yami Gautam announced that she had tied knot with Aditya Dhar in an intimate ceremony. Aditya Dhar is the Director of the blockbuster movie, Uri- the surgical strike, which was released in 2019.
Announcement about the wedding
Yami and Aditya tied knot in a private ceremony, with their family members in Himachal Pradesh. Yami shared a picture of her and Aditya at their wedding ceremony, and in the caption she wrote that, “In your light, I learn to love – Rumi. With the blessings of our family, we have tied the knot in an intimate wedding ceremony today. Being very private people, we celebrated this joyous occasion with our immediate family.”
The couple looked amazing in the photo which was shared on social media, Yami opted for a red saree for and Aditya sported an ivory sherwani for the wedding. She quoted poet Rumi’s couplet in the caption. Yami and Aditya both shared the same post on their Instagram handles.
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They both closed the caption by writing, “”As we embark on the journey of love and friendship, we seek all your blessings and good wishes. Love, Yami and Aditya,”
Yami also shared a photo of her and Aditya from the Mehandi ceremony, in which she can be seen wearing a bright orange suit with a warm smile on her face while Aditya wore a blue co-ord set. She captioned the picture as, “O dear one, why worry? What is meant for you will always, always find you- Lalleshwari.”
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Brief about the couple
Yami Gautam, who was born in Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh and was brought up in Chandigarh, and Aditya Dhar, is from Delhi. They worked together on the 2019 film Uri: The Surgical Strike, directed by Aditya.
When they both were working on Uri, Yami had made a statement in which she said that, “Aditya’s passion about the film is infectious and the amount of extensive research he has done is amazing. I am really thrilled to be part of this film.”
Aditya also won a National Award for the movie and is now projected forward to his next film The Immortal Ashwatthama. Yami Gautam is awaiting the release of ‘A Thursday’, where she plays a kindergarten teacher who takes 16 children as hostages. Apart from ‘A Thursday’, Yami also has ‘Missing’, an Anirudh Roy Chowdhary film and ‘Dasvi’ in her schedule, lined up.
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Bollywood celebrities congratulate the couple
The couple’s friends and colleagues showered them in the comments section. Actor Sobhita Dhulipala wrote, “This is so heartening. Many many congratulations!”; Vikrant Massey commented on her post, “Bahut bahut bahut badhaaiyaan Yami ji and Bhai sahab. Incredible. God bless you both!!!! Dher saara pyaar!!!”.
Actress Dia Mirza, who too recently got married, wrote that, “Congratulations Yami and Aditya. Lots of love and best wishes to a wonderful journey ahead!”
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