In the ongoing Antilia scare incident, a cabbie informed police of threat towards Mukesh Ambani’s residence. Security was upped after the police received the tip-off. The incident comes just a few months after the Antilia bomb scare that resulted into the hammer falling on Sachin Vaze and former Maharashtra minister Anil Deshmukh. In February, an abandoned SUV was parked near the 27-floor residence of Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani. Reportedly, the SUV was laden with explosive materials. Reportedly, 2 men carrying a heavy bag asked a cabbie about the residence of Mukesh Ambani. Subsequentially, the cabbie alarmed the authorities.


Steel-to-software manufacturer Mukesh Ambani is one of the most influential Indians today. With a net worth of about $92.7 billion, he’s the richest man in India, and among the richest in the world. Under his company’s umbrella is Jio, India’s biggest telecommunication provider, refining and marketing giant Reliance Gas, retail giant Reliance fresh, online pharmacy company NetMart, among several other companies in media, manufacturing and other key sectors .

With such a high influence that Mukesh Ambani holds, it’s of paramount importance that he is protected. Any harm to him or his family member can lead to stocks of his companies dropping, which will have an adverse impact on the country’s economy.

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The Facts of the Matter

The Mumbai Police swung into action after it received a strange and alarming tipoff from a cabbie. Reportedly after a cabbie took to the Mumbai police and informed them about suspicious behaviour of two men, security was beefed up outside Ambani’s residence Antilia.

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Suspicious Men Asked for Antilia’s Address

After the tip-off, “We received a call from a taxi driver that two people had approached him, asking for the location Mukesh Ambani’s residence Antilia,” an India Today report quoted the police saying. “Both men asking for the address had a large bag in their hand, after which the taxi driver immediately informed the Mumbai Police about this,” the report further said.

CCTV Footages Being Investigated, Security Beefed Up

Since the news broke, visuals of beefed-up security outside Mukesh Ambani’s place have been making the rounds of internet. It has also been reported that the statement of the cab driver was recorded and the police is dissecting the CCTV footage around the region.

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Antilia Scare Part 1: The Curious Case of Abandoned SUV

Earlier in February this year, Mukesh Ambani was in the news after an SUV was found outside his residence. The abandoned SUV was kept near Antilia and was laden with explosives. The police had reported that the car was carrying 20 gelatin sticks.

“To Mukesh Bhai and Nita Bhabhi” Letter Addressed to Mukesh and Nita Ambani

Further, investigation revealed that a threat letter was also addressed to Mukesh and Nita Ambani. Although the details of the letter remained largely undisclosed, several reports carried the text of the letter.

“To Nita bhabhi and Mukesh bhaiya, this is just a trailer. Agli bar ye saaman pora konekt hoke aayega Orijinl gadi me ayega. Tum pora femili ko udane ke liye intajam ho gaya hai. Sambal jana. Gud nit (To Nita and Mukesh Ambani, this is just a trailer. The next time, these materials will be assembled and will come in the original vehicle. We have prepared to kill your entire family in a blast. Beware. Good night),” the letter read.

Larger Conspiracy Unveiled in the Ambani Car Scare Case

Although the probe about the car scare still goes, a larger conspiracy was unveiled in the initial stages of investigation. During the investigation, former Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis alleged Mumbai top cop Sachin Vaze’s alleged role in the matter.