Veteran actor Arvind Trivedi, who was best known for playing Raavan in Ramayan show passed away at 82. The actor passed away on the wee hours of Tuesday night, October 5 as confirmed by his nephew, Kaustubh Trivedi. His death was mourned by his Ramayan co-actors Arun Govil and Sunil Lahri known for playing the characters of Ram and Lakshman. Further, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other influential netizens also expressed their grief on the death of the veteran actor.
Mr. Arvind’s death comes just a few days after the entertainment industry was rocked by the death of actor Ghanshyam Nayak. Mr. Nayak played the character of Nattu Kaka in the popular sitcom Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma.
During the mid 80s, the nation was engulfed in the Ramayan fever. The televised reenactment of the Hindu epic was broadcasted on Doordarshan on every Sunday.
Such was the popularity of show that for the entire runtime of the episode, streets used to be empty and people used to gather around the television.
Further, actor Arun Govil, who used to play the character of Lord Ram, used to be worshipped by common people. “Wherever I went people wanted to touch my feet and touch me,” he was quoted saying in a BBC report.
A popular cast member from the show Arvind Trivedi passed away on Tuesday this week.
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The Facts of the Matter
Veteran actor and Member of Parliament Arvind Trivedi passed away last night at the age of 82. A household name thanks to his performance as Raavan, Mr. Trivedi passed away due to heart attack and was unwell since a while.
While he is mostly known for playing the antagonist in televised reenactment of the Hindu epic, he was also a prolific Gujarati actor. Over the course of his career, he acted in about 300 Hindi and Gujarati films.
Arvind Trivedi’s nephew Kaustubh Trivedi was quoted in an ETimes report saying, “He was not keeping well for quite some time, but today he suffered a heart attack and that led to multi organ failure.” Reportedly, his last rites are scheduled to take place in Mumbai, October 6.
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Ramayan Cast, PM Modi, and Others Mourn Loss of Arvind Trivedi
On his demise, the cast of the most popular mythological show took to Twitter and other social media to express their grief.
BJP leader and veteran actor Arun Govil took to Twitter and mourned the loss of Trivedi. The actor called Mr. Trivedi a kind, religious and simple person in his condolence tweet.
आध्यात्मिक रूप से रामावतार का कारण और सांसारिक रूप से एक बहुत ही नेक,धार्मिक, सरल स्वभावी इंसान और मेरे अतिप्रिय मित्र अरविंद त्रिवेदी जी को आज मानव समाज ने खो दिया। नि:संदेह वे सीधे परमधाम जाएंगे और भगवान श्रीराम का सानिध्य पाएंगे।🙏💐
— Arun Govil (@arungovil12) October 6, 2021
Sunil Lahiri, who played the role of Lakshman in the show also took to Instagram and expressed his grief. In his condolence note, he called Mr. Trivedi a “father figure, guide & gentleman”.
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Dipika Chikhlia, who was part of the Ram-Lakshman-Sita trio and was lauded for playing the character of Sita also took to her social media and mourned the loss of her co-actor.
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Prime Minister Modi also took to Twitter and called Mr. Trivedi an “exceptional actor” who had passion for public service.
We have lost Shri Arvind Trivedi, who was not only an exceptional actor but also was passionate about public service. For generations of Indians, he will be remembered for his work in the Ramayan TV serial. Condolences to the families and admirers of both actors. Om Shanti.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) October 6, 2021
The Life and Times of Arvind Trivedi (8 November 1938 – 6 October 2021)
Born in the financial capital of Madhya Pradesh Indore, Arvind Trivedi moved to Mumbai to complete his studies. In Mumbai he started his acting career not on screen, but on theatre. After doing multiple Gujarati plays, he auditioned for the role of Raavan for Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan.
The show instantly became a massive hit and he alongside the major cast members, enjoyed immense popularity. Mr. Trivedi also played the crucial role in a well-known TV show called Vikram Betaal.
He received acting awards for his performances in Gujarati films by the Government of Gujarat. He was then elevated to the post of Central Board of Film Certification’s chairman.