On Tuesday, April 13, West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee was caught painting during her sit-down dharna against Election Commission. Confined to a wheelchair, the feisty TMC leader was caught filling the empty canvas using her paintbrushes as she positioned herself in front of a Gandhi statue. Reportedly, no TMC leaders or supporters were allowed to gather around the site of protest.


On April 13, TMC leader and West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee sat on a protest against Election Commission. The EC on Monday, April 12 had imposed a ban on the West Bengal CM from campaigning for 24 hours in the assembly polls that are ongoing.

Calling the ban an “undemocratic and unconstitutional decision”, Mamata Banerjee decided to sit on a Dharna in Kolkata.



On Monday, the EC imposed a 24-hour ban on West Bengal CM and TMC leader Mamata Banerjee. The EC imposed the ban on the grounds of Banerjee inciting voters to fight against the central forces security personal. Additionally, the EC imposed the ban on Banerjee as she asked for votes on communal reasoning.

According to NDTV, the EC issued a notice directed towards Banerjee. In the notice, EC observed that Banerjee made provocative remarks that had the potential of law-and-order breakdown and hampering the process of election.

The EC in its notice slammed Banerjee’s statements and asked her to resist the urge to use such statements.

There were 2 notices served by the EC to TMC supremo. In its first notice, EC sought an explanation for her appeal for votes on the lines of communal reasons during a rally in Hooghly. In the rally, TMC chief, with folded hands, asked people who belong in minority community to not divide their votes

“I am requesting my minority brothers and sisters with folded hands, don’t divide the minority votes after listening to the devil (Shaitaan) person who had taken money from the BJP. He passes many communal statements and initiates clashes between the Hindus and the Muslims. He is one of the apostles of the BJP, a comrade. The comrades of CPM and BJP are roaming around with the money given by BJP to divide the minority votes, please don’t allow them to do so,” Banerjee said, as quoted by India Today.

Banerjee was served with another notice by the EC on April 8. This time the EC sought explanation about the remarks she made on personnel of Central Forces that provide security in the polling booth during elections.

As quoted by India Today, Banerjee in her speech said, “If CAPF creates disturbances, I tell you ladies, a group of you go and restrain [gherao] them while another group will go to cast their votes. Don’t waste your vote. If you engage yourself only in restraining them, they will be happy that you did not cast your vote. This is their plan. It is the plan of BJP.”

Opposition slams Election Commission

After the news of the ban broke, Shiv Sena’s Sanjay Raut took to Twitter and claimed that EC’s ban on Banerjee was done on BJP’s command.  for

DMK leader MK Stalin also urged EC to “ensure a level playing field for all parties and candidates and ensure that impartiality and neutrality is maintained”.

The 5th phase of West Bengal assembly elections is scheduled for April 17. A total of 45 assembly seats will see itself being contested. So far, 135 seats from over 290 constituencies have already been contested in the first 4 phases of the election.