In Bengaluru, a family of 5 people, which included a 9-month-old, were found dead. The case is suspected to be that of a mass suicide. According to reports, the bodies of the 5 people involved were found in a decomposed state. It should be noted that the 9-month-old died by starvation. Miraculously, a 2-year-old girl, also part of the family, survived the tragic incident and was rescued by the police.

Reportedly, the police are investigating the case and are also searching for a suicide note. They are also in the pursuit to ascertain how the neighbours didn’t come to know about the situation after 3-4 days of the incident.


Each and every single case of a suicide is a tragedy onto itself. However, the degree certainly intensifies when a group of people collectively make the decision to end their lives. While the cases of mass suicides are less commonly heard of, they evoke a sense of mystery and tragedy. From the infamous Burari case, to the recent Gujarat mass suicide, trend of mass suicides is on a serious rise.

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The Facts of the Matter

The Bengaluru police was shocked recently when its officers found 5 persons from the same family dead in their home. While the 4 adults from the family were found hanging from the ceiling, the 9-month-old family member was found dead, allegedly due to starvation.

According to the Deputy Commissioner of Police Sanjeev Patil, the incident was revealed after Hulagere Shankar, a journalist, couldn’t enter his home. After this, he chose to take to the police who went on to break the house’s door.

Bodies Found in Decomposed State

When the police entered the house, they found the bodies of the deceased in a decomposed state. Reportedly, Hulagere Shankar was trying to call the family since the past 3-4 days but he couldn’t get through to anyone.

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Deceased Identified

The deceased identified in the case are – Bharathi (51), Sinchana (34), Sindhoora (34), Madhusagar (25), and the young 9-month-old baby boy. It should be noted that Bharathi was the wife of Hulagere Shankar, the journalist who works for a local newspaper. Sinchana and Sindhoora are the daughters of Bharathi and Hulagere while Madhusagar is their son.

Adults Had Closed the Doors and Windows Before Committing Suicide

So far, the investigation has led the police to allege that the adults in the family committed suicide by hanging themselves from the ceilings of different rooms. The adults had reportedly closed the doors and the windows of the room that they were going to take the drastic measure in.

“The police are searching for a suicide note or any other evidence from the house. We are also trying to find out how the neighbours did not come to know of the incident even after three-four days,” DCP Patil was quoted in a Times of India report saying.

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The Infamous Burari Mass Suicide

Nothing comes close to the horror and intrigue of the infamous Burari Mass Suicide. In 2018, 11 people from the same family in Delhi’s Burari region were found hanged. The 10 family members belong in different age group, with the 50-year-old head of the family to the 25-, 23- and 15-year-old youths.

The investigators were stumped when they found 11 diaries scribbled with detailed notes on the situation. The investigation ruled the case as that of a mass suicide. However, the police also confirmed ritualistic angle in the case. Speculations also pointed towards the angle of shared psychotic disorder.

Gujarat Mass Suicide

Earlier in January this year, 4 members of a family were found hanging in a rural region of Aravali, in a village called Modasa. The family included 2 adults and 2 minors. Reportedly, the police found the bodies of the family members after it acted on a missing persons complaint that was filed for the 4 persons.