A loud sound tensed up the citizens of Bengaluru, the incident happened around 12.30 pm on Friday, which also reminded them of the sonic boom they had heard a year back. CS Patil, the director of India Meteorological Department’s (IMD) Bengaluru unit, said, “Do not panic. We are checking with the mines department regarding any blasts.”
KSNDMC’s statement on this incident
KSNDMC released a statement on the incident and said that-
“A report of loud sound by the local community was received from Kengeri, Rajarajeshwari Nagar and Vijayanagar, Bengaluru today, during the time duration 12:00 to 12:45 pm. The data was closely analysed from our Seismic Observatory for any possible seismic signals of an earth quake. The earthquake data/record analysed for the above durations shows no signal of local tremor/earthquake.”
According to the Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre (KSNDMC), there was no signal of any local tremor or earthquake.
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Citizens react to the loud sound and compared it to the Sonic sound of 2020
Many citizens reacted to the sound as it could have been of any IAF related flying activity training, but the Indian Air force (IAF), cleared in a statement and denied any flying activity or any known action from their side to have caused such loud sound.
“None of the IAF bases or units including ASTE were flying at that time,”
-PRO, Defence, Bengaluru said.
Gopal Sutar, Spokesperson, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) said-
“Regular sorties of fighters and trainers take place from HAL airport. Today was no different. HAL can’t comment on the loud noise reportedly heard today in Bengaluru.”
The Sonic sound incident
Last year in May, Bengaluru had witnessed a similar incident, which the Defence PRO had later said was a routine IAF Test Flight involving a supersonic profile that shot off from Bengaluru Airport and flew in the allotted airspace well outside city limits.
During the time the defence ministry had said that-
“The sonic boom was probably heard while the aircraft was decelerating from supersonic to subsonic speed between 36,000 and 40000 feet altitude.”
It confirmed that the aircraft belonged to the Aircraft Systems and Testing Establishment and had flown in the allocated airspace outside city limits.
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Explaining the unusual sound heard in the city, the Training Command headquarters of the Indian Air Force, said in a separate statement-
“These (test flights) are done well beyond the city limits in specified sectors. However, considering the atmospheric conditions and reduced noise levels in the city during these times, the aircraft sound may become clearly audible even if it happened way out from the city.”
As for now, the Ministry of Defence’s PRO in Bengaluru has not given any clarifications or specific reactions to the “loud sound” which boomed on Friday.
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Reactions on twitter
Several residents took to twitter to share their experiences regarding the loud sound.
. @cpronammametro #Blast sound heard in #Bengaluru across all areas…
Big impact area BTM, adugodi….
Any links with #NammaMetro work???Clarify please
— ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು TrainUsers (@bengalurutrains) July 2, 2021
That was loud ….boom sound …
Hopefully it was not my neighbor sneezing… 🤞🤞— Bengaluru Betala (@gururaj_mj) July 2, 2021
Windows rattled after a huge sound…what was it, one more Sonic Boom?#Bengaluru https://t.co/1eiY41O1Wq
— Varadraj Adya (@varadadya) July 2, 2021