In a horrific incident being reported from Bengaluru, a man killed his 10-year-old son and disposed of the body with the help of his wife and girlfriend. It should be noted that the crime was committed back in February this year, but recently emerged after the arrests were made by the Bengaluru police.
Reportedly, the 30-year-old father of the son bludgeoned the latter to death, and then disposed of the body to a Tamil Nadu Forest with his girlfriend and wife.
Human depravity knows no bound. And while we all take part in the world outside knowing what fellow humans are capable of, we often forget just how much they are capable of. How they can let emotions like love, anger, rage & revenge get the better of them, and inflict pain on those around them. Recently, a man in Bengaluru gave an account of the lows of humanity a person can reach.
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The Facts of the Matter
30-year-old man Sunil took the life of his own 10-year-old son. To make the matters more spine-chilling, the accused allegedly killed his son in the presence of his wife. Further, making the facts of the matter more chilling, the man tried to dispose of his son’s body with the help of his girlfriend and his wife.
Reportedly, Sunil had taken to cops earlier on August 26 to file a missing person’s complaint, claiming that his son was missing since February. He further claimed that his 10-year-old son had been missing from his friend’s home.
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Police Suspects Foul Play, Extra Marital Affair Identified
The police suspected foul play as Sunil had waited about 6 months to file a missing person’s complaint. He was immediately considered a suspect in the case. The police then started their investigation by first talking to the neighbours. They also started questioning the family members of Sunil and his wife Sindhu.
During the investigation, the police got to know that while Sunil worked for multiple companies, his wife worked at a garment factory. Further, the police found out about Sunil and his extramarital affair with Nadia, a woman who worked in the same factory as Sindhu.
Inconsistencies in Sunil’s Statement
Meanwhile, the police also identified certain inconsistencies and discrepancies in Sunil’s statements. Sunil’s statements on his friend’s home where he had claimed that his son had been missing from were especially contradictory. When the police spoke to the friend in question, they got to know that Sunil’s statements were false. According to Sunil’s friend, his son had never even visited his home.
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10-year-old Son Bludgeoned to Death
The police then interrogated both Sunil and his girlfriend Nadia and soon the duo confessed to the crime. Sunil had reportedly bludgeoned his son to death by hitting the latter repeatedly with metal pipe. According to the police, Sunil’s wife had been having issues with her husband’s affair with Nadia. Further, on February 7, Sunil’s son had said something that had enraged him.
Sunil let his anger get the best of him and killed his 10-year-old son enraged, while his girlfriend Nadia witnessed the crime. The police also claimed that after killing his son, Sunil promised his wife Sindhu to break ties with his girlfriend Nadia if she protected him. Sindhu agreed to do so.
Father, Mother & Girlfriend Disposes 10-year-old’s Body
The trio then wrapped the 10-year-old boy’s dead body in bedsheets and put it up in a car Sunil allegedly borrowed from a friend. Sunil, his wife and his girlfriend drove off to forest region in Tamil Nadu with the lifeless body of his son and disposed the body.