In an incident where life imitated fiction coming from Bengaluru, a real world ‘gopi bahu’ washed her husband’s laptop and phone, triggering husband to file for a divorce. For the unversed, Gopi Bahu is a character from popular television show Saath Nibhana Saathiya. In the show, the character in her naivety, ended up washing her husband’s laptop as it was ‘dirty’. However, the Bengaluru woman’s case is drastically different. Reportedly, the woman suffers from an acute case of ‘obsessive compulsive disorder’. The woman’s OCD was worsened after COVID-19, and her husband is now seeking a divorce from her.


OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder is one of the most commonly known mental disorders. As the name suggests, the disorder deals with a person having repeated thoughts based or irrational fears which lead to repeated actions. From cleaning one’s surroundings obsessively, to repeating certain actions.

Unfortunately, due to the stigma associated with mental disorder, either patients with OCD are mocked, or unacknowledged, leading them to live a life of solitude.

Recently, a woman from Bengaluru is making all the buzz for being taken to the court for a divorce by her husband due to her OCD.

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The Facts of the Matter

A 35-year-old woman was being taken to the court by her husband for divorce due to her OCD. Reportedly, the husband was enraged after the woman ended up washing her husband’s laptop and his smartphone by detergent. The woman wanted to keep anything and everything in her surrounding hygienic due to her OCD.

Reportedly, the couple got married back in 2019 and went to England. The husband started working for a tech company in England and his wife, an MBA professional, showed her obsessive tendencies by keeping their home tidied up and clean.

COVID-19 Made Situation Worse for Couple

The couple then chose to have a counselling session as the wife’s tendencies was affecting the husband. Things got better for a while. But things again took a turn for worse when the couple came back to India and COVID-19 situation escalated drastically.

The pandemic worsened the situation and the wife’s OCD got worse. She spent her time washing and cleaning everything in her home. While this included trivial objects like spoons and utensils, it also included electrical appliances.

Husband Works From Home, Sees Wife Washing Laptop, Smartphone

In one such incident, when the husband was working from home, he found that his wife had washed his laptop and smartphone. Reportedly, the husband has also claimed that the wife takes more than six bathes in a day and uses her own soap for bathing.

Furthermore, when the woman’s mother passed away in 2020, she asked the husband and her children to not be at home for over a month. In his complaint, the husband mentioned that his wife had gone for a ‘deep-cleaning’ binge for those 30 days.

Police Redirects Case to NGO, Counselling Goes in Vain

When the husband approached the police, he was directed to Parihar, an NGO for women. The NGO had multiple counselling sessions, all going in vain. Furthermore, when the NGO counselor suggested the woman to seek further help, the woman denied her issues and claimed that her cleaning obsession was ‘normal’.

Woman Planning to File Complaint Against Husband

Interestingly enough, while the husband has filed a complaint and is seeking a divorce, the wife is filing another police complaint against husband. The techie’s wife will be taking to the police and is planning to complaint against ‘harassment’ she is facing for her normal behaviour.