In a horrifying incident, a Bengaluru wife took to court and alleged her husband of being a porn addict. She further told the court that she was starved & harassed by her husband when she objected to the addiction. The woman, who belongs to Jayanagar, Bengaluru, also alleged that her husband had a habit of spending money on call girls. The woman took to the magistrate court recently with her allegations. Soon, the additional chief metropolitan magistrate told the Bengaluru’s Basavanagudi women police to carry a probe in the matter.
Incidents of porn addiction gone wrong are not as rare as one would imagine. Earlier in October, a man based in Rajkot was booked after his employer realized he had used the company’s funds to watch adult content. He was also charged of using the money to fulfill the desires of his girlfriend whom he met online.
According to data released by a leading adult content streaming service, an average Indian spent about 8 minutes and 23 seconds in 2018 per session. Although a ban was imposed on pornographic content streaming platforms, India ranked 3rd among top 20 countries with the most traffic at PornHub, trailing behind US and UK and ahead of Japan, France and Canada.
Interestingly, during the 3-week COVID-19 induced lockdown in 2020, India reported a 95% traffic spike to pornography websites.
As with every other addiction such as chewing tobacco, smoking cigarettes’ and consuming alcohol, the ease of availability has made addiction to porn more of an alarming problem than. This has led to experts raising alarm on porn addiction in youths and adults.
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The Facts of the Matter
A Bengaluru woman from Jayanagar took to the Magistrate court alleging that she was harassed by her husband after raising objection to her husband’s porn addiction. Further, the woman also claimed that her husband was also addicted to spending money on call girls. A Times of India report claimed that the woman took to the ACMM (Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate) Court with her issues.
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Woman Realizes Husband’s Addiction After Marriage
Reportedly, the woman married the alleged accused back in 2019. Moreover, it was also reported that the woman’s family gave gold worth Rs. 1 lakh and amount of Rs. 2 lakhs as dowry. After getting married, she realized that her husband was addicted to adult content and also used to spend his time chatting to call girls at night.
Family Asks Another Chance, Nothing Changes
When the woman objected to her husband’s conduct, she was harassed by her husband and her husband received support from his family. The woman claimed that when she first told the husband’s family on the issue, they asked him to give him another chance. However, things remained the same and she was harassed by the family. “They forced me to eat stale food and avoided taking me to family functions and abused me,” the woman’s complaint at the ACMM Court read.
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Husband Had Also Created Fake Matrimonial Platform
The woman claimed that her husband had subscriptions to porn platforms and he sent his wife’s pictures to call girls. The man also had allegedly created a profile at a matrimonial platform where he had falsely mentioned that he was a divorcee.
Taking cognizance into the matter, the court issued an order to the Basavanagudi women police officers to probe into the matter.
The Infamous Case of Porn Addict from Rajkot
Earlier in October, the Gujarat police booked a Rajkot man for duping his employer on the tune of Rs. 1 crore between the year 2019 and 2020. The man used the amount to watch adult content. Meanwhile, the man also met a woman on internet who claimed to be a Ghaziabad resident. The man, who fell head over heels for her lover also used the money to fulfil the desires of his lover.