A car accident took place on an elevated road in Shimla as the driver lost control to save a monkey’s life. The dramatic video of a car skidding off from the road to the parking lot was captured in CCTV footage. The incident took place on Sunday, 21st November 2021.


Where major road accidents are caused due to carelessness and negligence of the drivers, here is an incident of a road accident caused by saving a life. On 21st November, Sunday a family traveling from Delhi to Rampur met with an accident in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh to save a monkey that came in front of the vehicle. As per the visuals of the CCTV footage captured, the car goes out of control and breaks the railings on the roadside. Finally, the car falls into a car parking lot of a hotel named Himland.

While the accident took place, two men passing by the same road, rushed immediately towards the car to rescue the passengers in the vehicle. While the car was upside down, a huge crowd surrounds the area to pull out the passengers stuck in the car. Finally, all the four occupants of the car were safely pulled out from the car. Out of all one of the passengers was just 4-year old.

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Social Media Details

This dramatic video of the road accident was uploaded on Twitter by Mohammad Ghazali. The video was uploaded on the same day the accident took place at 10:15 p.m. To watch the video click on the –

One Twitter user filmed an “expert” monkey, in a video uploaded last year, near a temple in Himachal Pradesh snatching a woman’s spectacles and climbing up a tree

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Problems Caused in Shimla Due to Monkeys

Himachal Pradesh one of the northern states of India is known for its serene visuals. One of the popular tourist destinations of Himachal Pradesh is Shimla. The hill station attracts many tourists because of its elevated roads and amazing climate. But along with the beautiful views comes the risk of monkeys in large number strolling on the roads of Shimla. Sometimes this abundance of monkey menace becomes a major concern for the localities and the tourists in Shimla.

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The Reason Behind This Disturbance

Due to increased development activities of humans like industry and real estate setups, the habitats of animals like monkeys have diminished. This has led monkey species like rhesus macaques to step out on roads and other places in Shimla. These species of monkeys are known for attacking humans and snatching their food and other belongings as they are unafraid of humans. The tourists in Shimla are informed to take full care of their personal belongings. This human-animal conflict has become a major concern for the State government of Himachal Pradesh. The government is trying to control the population of these species and maintain a balance in the environment.