Outspoken actor Kamal R Khan has weighed in on the ongoing Aryan Khan drug case and has claimed that celebrity kids are planning to leave India. The actor’s claim comes amid the cruise drug bust case which involves the 23-year-old son of one of the biggest actors in India, Shahrukh Khan. The case has truly polarized the Indian masses. Some people are claiming that Aryan Khan is being made an example of due to his celebrity status while others want justice to be served to him.
From calling celebrities “2 Rs. Person”, to claiming that he will move to Pakistan if PM Modi wins elections, Kamal R Khan has become famous for being infamous. His controversial and at times, baseless remarks are enough to trigger people who belong in the entertainment industry or those who follow it. The Deshdrohi actor has been called out by people on his disrespectful and rude tweets, and yet, he enjoys an immense following on Twitter.
Recently, the actor weighed in on the ongoing Aryan Khan drug case.
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The Facts of the Matter
Kamal R Khan or KRK weighed in on a matter involving SRK and his son Aryan Khan. The actor, who’s mostly known for his outrageous movie reviews, recently claimed that celebrity kids have been jittered by the ongoing Aryan Khan case.
Taking to Twitter, KRK wrote, “According to my sources many celebrity kids are planning to leave India after the incident of #AryanKhan! They think that if it can happen with #Aryan then it can happen with anyone!”
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KRK Calling SRK: Shahrukh Receives Support From KRK
Since the advent of the whole case, the actor has been vocal on his opinion on the matter. The actor jumped on the #istandwithsrk bandwagon and claimed that if people try to “put down” Shahrukh Khan by false allegations, he would receive his support.
“If someone will try to put down Shahrukh Khan @iamsrk by false allegations, then I am standing with him unconditionally. #istandwithsrk,” the actor wrote. Contrary to usual outrage that his tweet triggers, his tweet on his support for Shahrukh Khan was appreciated by netizens.
Respect ❤️
— Sarfaraz Ahmed ✋ (@Sarfara32974539) October 5, 2021
We too
— sridhar sahu (@shreedbest) October 5, 2021
Shabash bhai jaan
— NK NRK (@nkparmar79) October 5, 2021
Thank you for support sir, today I realize you are the true friend of him, that's why you want from #SRK to make good film.
— अरूण राजपुत🇮🇳 (@iam_scy) October 5, 2021
Dil jeet liya bhai aapne #WeStandWithSRK
— Monty (@Monty24125017) October 5, 2021
Paheli baar tune kuch sahi bhoka
— Iamzaid (@Iamzaid90094673) October 5, 2021
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“You are Hitting Below Belt”: Notorious Critic KRK Slams Media
Further, Kamal R Khan had also called out media who were reporting about Shahrukh Khan and his relationship with his 23-year-old son Aryan. Taking to Twitter, KRK had tweeted, “Dear media people, if you are talking bad about Aryan and SRK relationship, then you are hitting below the belt. Just imagine if somebody will talk bad about you and your children relationship. So please stop it.”
Dear media people, if you are talking bad about Aryan and SRK relationship, then you are hitting below the belt. Just imagine if somebody will talk bad about you and your children relationship. So please stop it.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) October 5, 2021
KRK and his Feud with Salman Khan and Mika Singh
Earlier this year, the self-proclaimed critic had to resort to locking his account on Twitter after a spat with Salman Khan and Mika Singh. According to reports, KRK had claimed that Salman Khan had filed a defamation suit against him in response to the negative reviews he gave to Khan’s recent film Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai.
Meanwhile, popular Punjabi singer Mika Singh had slammed Kamal Rashid Khan and claimed that KRK only went after “soft people” which included Anurag Kashyap or Karan Johar. Further, the singer extended his support and added that instead of filing a case against KRK, he would slap the actor. “Meri taraf se koi case-vase nahi hoga, seedha jhaapad hoga,” he had tweeted.