In the ongoing Chennai rains, video of a female police officer lifting an unconscious man on her shoulders on the flooded streets of the Tamil Nadu capital are making the rounds on the internet. Reportedly, the inspector named Rajeshwari helped a man who she found lying unconscious near a cemetery. In the video now gone viral, the inspector can be seen lifting the man and carrying him to a nearby standing auto. She then carefully gets the man inside the auto and instructs the auto-driver to rush.
The video comes at a time when heavy flooding caused due to heavy rainfall has stunted the everyday life of the people in Tamil Nadu. So far at least 14 people have been reported dead due to the wrath of the nature. A red alert has already been issued in Chennai, Chengelpet, Villupura, Cuddalore, Tiruvallur, etc.
For a year, that already saw a pandemic wreak havoc in India, there is still a lot in store apparently. As the wave of COVID-19 receded in India, catastrophic events such as flooding and landslides have been reported from several regions in India.
The year started with the super storm Tauktae and progressed to super cyclone Yaas, & got increasingly intense with landslides and flooding in Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala and Maharashtra.
Uttarakhand too has been witnessing several landslides and intense flooding due to incessant rains this year.
And now, as if it was on the checklist of a cruel God, Tamil Nadu has been on the receiving end of battering rainfall.
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The Facts of the Matter
As the depression caused in Bay of Bengal intensifies, the entire southern belt of India is receiving moderate to extremely heavy rainfall. Amid the reports of a stunted normal life in Chennai, there’s a heartwarming video that has been making the rounds of the internet. The video shows a female police inspector helping a man amid the floods.
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What Does the Video Show?
The 1 minute 17 seconds video shows the police inspector lifting an unconscious man on his shoulder. While the woman carries the man, she continues instructing several men around her as to how to go about rescuing the man on her shoulder.
She then sees an auto on the other side of the flooded road and walks towards it. Without letting the man slip from her shoulder; the female cop effortlessly reaches the auto. The walk towards the auto takes more than 25 seconds, making it apparent that the officer had to walk somewhat close to 90-100 meters.
She then carefully pulls the man down from her shoulder and puts him inside the auto. The inspector goes on to instruct the auto driver to rush.
Watch the Video Here:
TP Chatram Police Station Inspector Rajeshwari carried a man named Udayakumar, who was found lying unconscious at a cemetery, and rushed him to a nearby hospital in an auto. #ChennaiRains #ChennaiRains2021 #TamilNaduRains #ChennaiPolice
— Shilpa (@Shilpa1308) November 11, 2021
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Netizen’s Applaud Inspector Rajeshwari’s Commitment & Efforts
As the video continues to go viral, several netizens have applauded the inspector’s commitments to saving the life of the man and her efforts in doing so.
“Salute Power – look how she carries him with ease, a man would have a hesitated – and the people running around without transferring him to their shoulders,” commented a netizen.
Salute Power 💪 of women 👼 – look how she carries him with ease, a man would have a hesitated – and the people running around without transferring him to their shoulders 🤦🏻
— Mannikka Therinjavan (@_Virumaandi_) November 11, 2021
Another person commented about how the female police officer effortlessly lifted the man and replied, “God bless her. How effortless her strong shoulders have made it look!!! She should be recognised and rewarded.”
God bless her. How effortless her strong shoulders have made it look!!! She should be recognised and rewarded
— Natarajan Hariharan (@shyamnatrajan) November 11, 2021
“Looks like a young chap. Poor guy. Hats off to this police. This video should be made viral. Not all police are bad. Make this video reach UP police,” another netizen commented.
Looks like a young chap. Poor guy. Hats off to this police. This video should be made viral. Not all police are bad. Make this video reach UP police.
— Gomathi (@iGomathiSundar) November 11, 2021