In a bizarre news, a Chinese man withdrew Rs. 5.8 crores only to ask the bank employees to count every bill (note) after he was asked to put mask on. The man was allegedly disgruntled and annoyed at the staff’s conduct towards him at the bank. Further, the man wasn’t done and claimed that he would come the next day to withdraw more sum as the bank’s withdrawal limit was reached. The man goes by the name Sunwear on Weibo (a state-run app) and withdrew ¥5 million. Further, the pictures of the man putting multiple suitcases loaded with cash in his Rolls Royce have gone viral.
When were you were last annoyed by employees at a bank? Chances are fairly recently, if you take to banks quite often. While bank employees do their best to manage customer’s expectations, they at times can get unprofessional, rude, or dismissive. However, most people give such employees a free pass and go on about our day. But what happens if you’re a millionaire who is riled up on the behavior of the bank employees? A Chinese millionaire and his recent ordeal can give you an idea.
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The Facts of the Matter
Employees of the Bank of Shanghai were having a normal day when a man walked into the Hongmei Road branch of the bank situation in Shanghai. The man was not wearing a mask, and hence, the man was asked by the employees to put the mask on as it’s the COVID-19 protocol.
If we put ourselves in the shoes of the Chinese man, we would probably put the mask on. But the man truly made a mountain of the mow hill and resorted to the pettiest of acts. Infuriated at the “bad conduct” of the employees, he ordered the maximum amount he could take, to be withdrawn.
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Bank Employees Asked to Count ¥5 Million
Soon, the bank officials piled up heaps of bills and withdrew the maximum limit (¥5 million). If you think that’s where his anger subsided, you’re unfortunately wrong. The man then went on to order the bank employees, to count every single bill. This truly baffled the employees as they started on with their mission of counting every bill that the ¥5 million was comprised of.
A millionaire withdrew all his savings and ordered his bank to check them note by note after flying into a rage when a security guard asked him to wear a face mask.
The man, known as 'Sunwear' on the social network Weibo, reportedly withdrew ¥5million about £566,000 in banknotes— Grand Fox (@GrandFox85s) October 23, 2021
The employee goes on by the name Sunwear on Chinese social media app Weibo. On the app, he gave an account of the incident and claimed that due to the bad behaviour of the staff, he wanted to withdraw the money and deposit in other banks.
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Bank Issues Curt Statement
Meanwhile, when the bank staff was contacted, they claimed that the man was only asked to put mask on. The bank also issued a statement which read, “The client’s (complaint suggested) he had higher expectations of financial services.”
“Will Come Back Later Till Account Not Empty”
Further, the millionaire claimed that he asked them to count the bills in case it fell short. “It was necessary to request them to count the cash in case it fell short,” he was quoted by reports saying.
And that’s not all, the man also told the bank that he would return to withdraw the same amount every day, till his account was completely depleted. As ¥5 million was the maximum amount one could withdraw in a day at the above-mentioned bank, he settled on the amount.