In a bizarre incident, a woman from China received a shocking disappointment when she ordered an iPhone 12 Pro Max and ended up receiving an apple-flavoured drink in the box. The woman named Liu, explained to a Chinese daily that she spent a substantial $1,500 (Rs. 1,10,231) to buy the latest and greatest iPhone from the official Apple website. However, when she received the order, she was devasted to find out that the box’s contents had an apple-flavoured yogurt drink.

Owning an iPhone remains a dream for people. For most people, it’s a rite of passage where they feel they can grab their hands on this flagship smartphone to earn social status. And thus, one can only imagine how the woman must have been shocked and disappointed to have wasted her earnings over something as trivial as an apple beverage.

These incidents are common when ordering things online from third-party online retailers like eBay, Alibaba, and even sometimes Amazon. However, to Liu’s dismay, the ‘Apple product’ she ended up receiving came after she placed an order directly from Apple’s website.

The shocked Liu uploaded a video of the incident on the Chinese operated and monitored social media platform Weibo. In the video, she explains how she received an apple-flavoured beverage instead of the expected iPhone 12 Pro Max. According to reports, the woman chose to have the package delivered to her storage unit instead of her personal address.

Meanwhile, both Apple and the official courier service of Apple- Express Mail Service, have claimed that Liu’s iPhone 12 Pro Max was delivered to the location of Liu’s choice. However, Liu denied the claim made by the American tech giant and went on to file a complaint with the local police. Since her reporting the case, both Apple and the respective courier service have issued stated how they have started investigating the matter.

As it is the case with the Internet, Weibo users after seeing the case have come up with their own theories. Some users claim that the delivery person may have switched the contents of the box from the iPhone to the beverage. While others with a background in cybersecurity believe that Liu ordered the iPhone from a sophisticated fake website.

The internet is a rabbit hole where one can go deep to receive plenty of bounties, but if not careful, they can be punished for their reckless attitude and may succumb to cyber mischiefs. A similar incident was reported in 2018 when a man lodged a case of cheating against the Indian online shopping website Flipkart. The man had ordered an Apple iPhone 8 and had paid the full amount of Rs. 55,000. But to the man’s horror, he ended up receiving a soap packed in an Apple iPhone box.

It should be noted that it was not the first time something like that happened to shoppers online. And incidentally, it was not the first time a soap bar was delivered to a man instead of the intended and expected product. In the past few years, people have taken to Twitter describing their horror stories when they received soap bars, stones and sometimes, even trash.


Also read: Gujarat Man arrested for tricking 22,000 people of ₹70 lakh through fake shopping website