In the ongoing cruise drug bust case, NCB questioned Bollywood actress Ananya Pandey where reports claimed that Ananya denied arranging drugs for Aryan Khan. Pandey was summoned by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Thursday, October 22 in connection to the Aryan Khan’s arrest in the drug bust. According to reports, the apex drug control body had found some chats in Aryan Khan’s phone wherein Ananya had agreed to arrange drugs for the 23-year-old star-son.

The ongoing cruise drug bust case is about to complete its one month after a rave party was raided by the NCB on October 2. the cruise party was being held on a Goa-bound cruise ship. The NCB arrested son of popular actor Shahrukh Khan and other accused who were present at the ship. While no drugs were officially found from Khan’s possession, the NCB has categorically claimed that he has been involved in a wider conspiracy.


Unlike most news-related matters, the ongoing cruise drug bust case is picking up more steam as the days progress. What started off with the arrest of Shahrukh Khan’s son Aryan from a cruise party, has grown into something larger.

While most celebrities are maintaining their distances, some have shown support for Khan and his son. Meanwhile, another star-kid – Ananya Pandey, is now in middle of controversy. The NCB has allegedly found some WhatsApp chat wherein Pandey had assured Aryan that she would arrange drugs for him.

Also Read: Aryan Khan Drug Case: NCB Officer Sameer Wankhede Accused of Using ‘Friend’ As Witness

The Facts of the Matter

Bollywood actress Ananya Pandey had her second-day of questioning today. The 22-year-old actress was first reportedly summoned to the NCB on Thursday, October 21. She reached the NCB headquarters and left after two hours.

Following this, the Student of the Year 2 actress was interrogated by the NCB on the cruise drug bust case. The actress denied all the allegations of her supplying or using drugs. The questioning came after the NCB found WhatsApp chat between Ananya and Aryan from the latter’s phone.

Also Read: Aryan Khan Drug Case: NCB Argues Hard on No Bail for Aryan, Here’s All that Happened in Court

What Did the Questioning Involve

During the questioning today, she was asked questions surrounding the chat that was found. News agency ANI’s sources claiming that the chats indicated that Pandey had helped Aryan to get drugs (weed). Further the sources also added that Pandey’s name was mentioned in chat on three occasions where she revealed she supplied drugs to Aryan.

Ananya Helped Drugs Supply to Aryan Thrice: Reports

“The chats recovered from Aryan Khan’s mobile phone reveal that in the year 2018-19, she helped supply drugs to Aryan thrice by providing him the numbers of drug dealers,” ANI source was quoted by an NDTV report.

The source further added that Ananya also denied all supply related talks that was evident in the chat conversation and shared that she never consumed or supplied drugs.

Also Read: Shahrukh Khan’s Son Aryan Khan Detained by NCB, Rave Party at Cruise Ship Busted: Report

Ananya Pandey’s Residence Raided

Earlier, the anti-drugs agency had visited Ananya’s Khar-based residence in Mumbai to serve her the summons for questioning she has been undergoing. The NCB also conducted raid at her primary residence, and has not confirmed what all things were seized during the raid. However, it has widely been reported that the actress’s phone, laptop has been seized.

NCB Takes to ‘Mannat’, Dismisses False Reports on ‘Raid’

On the same day, another NCB team took to Shahrukh Khan’s residence ‘Mannat’. After the visit was widely reported as a raid, NCB Zonal Director Sameer Wankhede informed that the NCB had taken to the residence to collect certain documents.

“NCB team visited Shah Rukh Khan’s residence to collect some documents related to Aryan Khan. No raids were conducted at ‘Mannat’,” Mr. Wankhede was quoted by ANI.