In an interesting development, a Delhi woman to receive Rs 2 crores in compensation from the ITC Maurya because of a ‘wrong’ haircut. Reportedly, the haircut given to her by the hotel led her to have mental trauma and also led to loss of job.

According to (NCDRC) National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, a bad haircut can trigger mental trauma and can adversely affect career prospect is salon’s negligence.

The news comes after the Delhi High Court awarded Rs. 20 lakhs compensation to a disabled man who had suffered a fall while working as an electrician.


It’s not rare to remain unsatisfied with one’s haircut. However, what’s rare is that the bad haircut can have adverse effect on a person’s mental health and their career prospects. What’s even rare is that they are then compensated by the salon which gave them the said ‘bad haircut’. Recently a woman in Delhi was heard by the country’s apex consumer rights body in a similar matter.

These are the facts of the matter…

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The Facts of the Matter

Aashna Roy was a hair products model, thanks to her long hair. The had an impressive portfolio which included VLCC and Pantene as her clients. In 2018, Roy took to the ITC Maurya, New Delhi, her go-to salon for haircut. Like a regular, she asked for her usual hair stylist but was assigned another hairdresser due to unavailability of her usual hairdresser.

Although she was not satisfied with the new hairdresser, she was assured by the salon that her needs would be met. Roy asked her new hairdresser for a specific haircut. Reportedly, Roy was wearing glasses and was asked by her stylist to look down. Due to this couldn’t see herself clearly as the haircut was being given.

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Model in Utter Shock When Wrong Haircut Given

When the simple haircut was taking a lot of time, Roy asked her stylist as to how long it would take, she was told that she was being given the ‘London haircut’. To her disbelief, the stylist had “chopped off her entire hair leaving only 4 inches from the top and barely touching to her shoulders”.

She raised a complaint to the salon manager and alleged that the haircut she was given did not make her happy and she “stopped leading her normal life”. The salon then offered her for hair extension for her upcoming project or a free hair treatment. After persuasion, she agreed to the latter.

Salon Gives Free ‘Hair Treatment’, Woman Leaves with Itchy Scalp

The same year, she took to the salon for the treatment. During the hair treatment, she claimed that her scalp was damaged and that “there was a lot of irritation”. Further, after the treatment, her hair turned “rough” and she was left with an itchy scalp. When she sought assistance to the salon, the salon allegedly was “rude and disrespectful” towards her.

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Aashna Roy Files Rs. 3 Crores Compensation Plea, Seeks Apology

This led to her filing a plea for Rs. 3 crores compensation and a written apology from the ITC management. On September 23, it was reported that the NCDRC panel heard the plea. During the hearing, it was noted that Roy “suffered a huge loss” which “shattered her dream to be a top model”.

The NCDRC Offers Ruling

Further, the bench noted that Roy gave specific instructions, which were not met by the Salon. This resulted in her losing projects. “She was also working as senior management professional and earning a decent income. She underwent severe mental breakdown and trauma due to negligence of the opposite party no.2 in cutting her hair and could not concrete her job and finally she lost her job,” the bench submitted, as quoted by Bar and Bench.

“Complainant is Granted Compensation of 2 Crores”: The Final Ruling

Finally, the bench submitted, “Her scalp was burnt and still there is allergy and itching due to fault of the staff. For the aforesaid discussion, the complaint is allowed partly and we are of the considered view that it would meet the end of justice in case the complainant is granted compensation of ₹2 crore. Hence, we direct the opposite party no.2 to pay a compensation… within a period of eight weeks from the date of receipt of a copy of the order.”