On 22nd February, a viral post claimed on the social media platform that the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has issued a set of guidelines for COVID-19 to follow as a precaution.

The fake message attributed to the ICMR, urges people to postpone their overseas visits for the next two years, not to eat outside for 1 year, to be very careful in the coming week, and to prefer vegetarian food among many other points.

The fake message is being circulated widely on social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp. The viral message appeals to people not to visit crowded places for a year.

Among other measures, the Post gives an important message of maintaining face masks and social distance, which already comes in government-issued SOPs.

PIB’s tweet here:

As soon as the misleading information went viral, the Press Information Bureau (PIB) fact-checked the information and thwarted the claims. Issuing the clarification, the fact-check stated that the ICMR has not issued these guidelines. Adding some points to prevent the spread of COVID-19, wear a mask, clean hands, and practice social distance.

In India, the latest COVID-19 cases have been trending upwards for the past few weeks. Health officials said that India has registered 14,199 new cases in the last 24 hours. The death toll stood at 1,56,385 with 83 more deaths in the country.



-Claim : A fake message attributed to the ICMR sets out the guidelines to be followed as precautionary measures for COVID-19.

-Conclusion: A fact check by PIB states that ICMR has not issued these guidelines.