In a heartbreaking turn of events, a 40-year-old father killed his 2-yo-son and 10-month-daughter over ‘serpent DNA’ conspiracy theories. The California based man killed his two young children as he thought that they were going to “grow into monsters”. The man was a follower of the Illuminati conspiracy theory – arguably the most influential and long-lasting conspiracy on the planet.
The compulsion of connecting dots over seemingly unrelated incidents, and creating a narrative around it, is probably the oldest compulsion humans have. These unrelated incidents, connected with a larger narrative in mind, together form a conspiracy theory. While most conspiracy theories are fun to read without any consequences, delving too deep into it, can drive a person unstable, and make them commit heartless actions.
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The Facts of the Matter
In one such incident a 40-year-old surfing school owner in California was nabbed by the FBI for taking the lives of his two young children. – one a 2-year-old son and second, his 10-month daughter. The arrested man was found to be the follower of Illuminati conspiracy theories and killed his kids for over ‘Serpent DNA’ conspiracy theories.
Man Killed Kids with Spear Fishing Gun
According to FBI officials, the man believed that his children were going to grow up to be monsters, and thus, he had to kill them. The man was completely taken over the theories he believed in and even confessed that he killed his kids using a spear fishing gun. An NBC report stated that the man believed that his wife passed “serpent DNA” to his kids.
As to how the man was nabbed, the surfing school owner’s wife took to the police after finding out that her husband had abducted their kids. After not being able to communicate to her husband, the wife grew all the more concerned.
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Police Uses Find my iPhone Feature, FBI Gets Involved
The police used the Find My iPhone feature to identify his last location which was Mexico’s Rosarito. The local police than collaborated with the FBI and the man was finally detained. The FBI agents landed on his van when the man tried to re-enter US. Further, the agents made a gory discovery as they saw blood in the car and didn’t find his kids in the van.
On interrogation, the father of the kids confessed that he killed his kids and further told the authorities the location of the murder weapon. Later, the police discovered the bodies of two children who were later identified by their father as his own kids.
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“Only course of action that would save world”: Father of Murdered Kids
According to the NBC report, the man knew what he was doing was wrong, but it had to be done as “it was the only course of action that would save the world”.
For the unversed, the “serpent DNA” makes a reference to a conspiracy theories that “lizard people” rule the world. Lizard people are alleged to be aliens that run the world and have taken over the most important positions in the government, finance, tech and other key industries.