In a heart-wrenching incident coming from Hoshangabad, a father saw his son jump in front of the train and be run over. The tragedy continued as a second train mowed over the father as he was grieving on the railway tracks. The incident was reported from Marupura, Sohagpur, district Hoshangabad in Madhya Pradesh. Reportedly, the son was under distress as his wife had left him and had not returned back. The deceased persons were reported as Chotelal Vishwakarma (36) and his father Sitaram Vishwakarma (60).

It should be noted that earlier in November, a young man was run over by a train due to his attempt of making a video with the train.


According to reports, as many as 8,700 people were run over on railway tracks in the year 2020. The number is a startling figure owing to the fact that most passenger trains were stopped for the most part of the year due to the COVID-19 lockdown. Further, officials also added that the victims were mostly migrant workers.

The data further stated that between 2016 to 2019, as many as 56,271 deaths were reported in such incidents and 5,938 persons were left injured.

While the Railways have carried out awareness campaigns to curtail such incidents, incidents have continued with the same trend in India.

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The Facts of the Matter

When Sitaram Vishwakarma was trying to convince his son to come back home, little did he know that he would be running towards his own death. On Thursday, 36-year-old Chotelal Vishwakarma left his home and walked towards a railway track just 100 meters from his home. To persuade him, his father, 60-year-old Sitaram also reached the track.

Before Sitaram could convince his son to come back, he saw his son being mowed by the train from his own two eyes. Due to the train’s fast speed, Chotelal was run over in a horrific way, with only bits and pieces of him left on the track.

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Father Breaks Down on Tracks, Trains Run Him Over As Well

Seeing his young son coming to such a painful, brutal and untimely end, Sitaram couldn’t hold himself back from grieving profusely. According to a Dainik Bhaskar report, the 60-year-old father howled in grief and eventually lost consciousness due to the same.

At the same time, a second train followed the suit of the first one and Sitaram was run-over as well. Sitaram was hit by the train’s engine first and was thrown off the track. He was rushed to the hospital, but ultimately succumbed to his injuries.

Son Was Mentally Stressed Due to Issues with Wife

According to Government Railway Police, S. S. Shukla, Chotelal’s wife Preeti was living away from her husband. The relatives have come out and have claimed a feud between the married couple. The couple had gotten married 11 years back and together have a 3-year-old son Shreyansh and a 5-year-old son Shaurya. Reportedly, Preeti left her husband’s home before Diwali 2021. Due to his wife’s absence, Chotelal was mentally stressed.

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Similar Incident Happened in Itarsi Last Month

Earlier last month in Itarsi, a young boy was run over by a train while he was trying to take video to post on social media. According to reports, the deceased person was Sanju Chaurey who was known for making videos featuring himself and share it on his social media platform.

Unfortunately, this obsession led him to take the fatal decision of taking a video near a train track. According to reports, Sanju was standing close to a railway track while his friends were taking his video. Unbeknowst to the youth, a speeding train appeared and ended up running Sanju over. Later he was taken to the Itarsi Civil Hospital where he was declared dead.