The killing of the 25-year-old Rinku Sharma has increased the tensions in the nation. Later today, The Delhi police arrested the fifth accused man in the murder of 25-year-old. The Delhi police also eliminated the alleged communal angle in the case where the victim was stabbed by a mob of five men after a quarrel transpired between them in Delhi’s Mangolapuri area.
On 10.2.21 eve,a scuffle ensued during a birthday party in the area of Mangolpuri,following which Victim Rinku Sharma got injured in stabbing, who later succumbed to injury during treatment.A case under relevant sections was registered & all 04 accused were arrested@DelhiPolice
— @DCPOUTERDELHI (@dcpouter) February 12, 2021
The Facts of the case
According to the hand-written complaint by the deceased’s younger brother Manu, Rinku used to actively collect funds for Ram temple construction drives. Rinku was also a Hanuman devout and used to attend Hanuman Chalisa recitations.
The complaint later delves into the detail that for that particular reasons locals named Tajuddin, Jahid, Mehtab, Nasruddin and Islam attacked Rinku’s house at around 11 pm on February 10.
According to the complaint, Nasruddin conspired with Mehtab and Jahid to launch an attack on Rinku. Later when the mob attacked him, they said “we’ll teach you a lesson.” The mob then dragged Rinku outside the house and stabbed in the back with a large knife. The accused mob fled the scene leaving Sharma dying in the pool of his own blood.
The Sharma family rushed Rinku to the nearest hospital, however, his condition had already deteriorated and he was directed to another hospital on Thursday morning. Unfortunately, Rinku died around noon before proper arrangements could’ve been made for his shifting.
Rinku, 25, was stabbed at birthday party in Mangolpuri on Feb 10. He later died at hospital. Quarrel turned scuffle began over shutting down of a restaurant. Any other motive alluded to incident factually wrong. 4 accused arrested: S.Dhama, Addl DCP, Outer district, Delhi Police
— ANI (@ANI) February 12, 2021
All Five Accused arrested
According to the Delhi Police, the four accused men, namely Danish, Zahid, Mehtab and Islam were arrested on Thursday. Later on Friday, the police made the arrest of the fifth accused identified as Tasuddin. According to police two of the accused, Danish and Islam are tailors whereas Zahid studies in college and Mehtab is a student studying in class 12.
No Communal angle but business rivalry says police
The case of the Delhi man took an ugly turn when Vishwa Hindu Parishad leaders alleged that Rinku was murdered because he was associated with the organization and also because he used to collect donations for the reconstruction of the Ram temple.
VHP Joint General Secretary Surendra Jain in his statement said,“We urge the administration to arrest the culprits without delay and ensure the strictest punishment to them,” said VHP joint general secretary Surendra Jain.
However, the Delhi Police claimed that the reason behind the murder was not communal-related but business-related. According to the claims made by Delhi police, Rinku and his friends as well as the accused were business rivals as both the parties had opened eateries in the Rohini Sector. These eateries were near one another and there were times when both the parties blamed the other for the losses they incurred.
DCP, Outer Delhi, A Koan spoke to the news media and said, “So far, during the investigation, it has surfaced that the quarrel started during a birthday party over shutting down of a restaurant. All persons are known to each other and live in the same locality. Any other motive alluded to this incident is factually wrong”
@DelhiPolice के मुताबिक #रिंकू_शर्मा की मौत की वजह ‘जय श्रीराम’ के नारे लगाना नहीं, बल्कि एक पुराना विवाद था। नहीं यकीन, तो बावर्दी इन पुलिस अधिकारी को सुन लीजिए..@dcpouter @dcp_outer@Dhama_IPS @CPDelhi
— ravi jalhotra (@ravijalhotra) February 12, 2021
The Shiksha News take:
Whether it is a communal related murder or a business-rivalry related killing, we at Shiksha news condemn all violent measures taken by anyone irrespective of their caste, religion, sex or background. We want #JusticeforRinkuSharma, not because of religious affiliation, but for one simple reason: we want to build a better India where justice is served to whoever commits a heinous crime. We hope whatever is the truth comes out soon and justice be served.