The first trailer for Suicide Squad 2 was released this Friday. The James Gunn directed film gave DC fans some to cheer and a lot to digest. The Rated-R trailer gave us all a glimpse of a new team of anti-heroes once again coming together led by Margo Robbie’s maniacally refreshing Harley Quinn.

Suicide Squad 2 or James Gunn’s ‘The Suicide Squad’ is a soft reboot of the disappointing 2016 Suicide Squad. The new iteration of the film is in lieu of the 2016 film and introduces new anti-heroes and puts them in a situation where they have to form a collective and win against a nemesis or die for the US Government. After the disappointing faring of the 2016 film, DC Films tried to readjust their course and have brought in James Gunn, who previously directed Marvel’s Guardians of Galaxy.

In the 2016 film, Amanda Waller, played by Viola Davis, puts together a team called Task Force X which comprised of the world’s most destructive and unpredictable villains to combat alien threats to the humanity. The Task Force X had Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), Deadshot (Will Smith), El Diablo (Jay Hernandez) fighting for the greater good.

The 2021 version of the film will have a new team comprising of Bloodsport  (Idris Elba), Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney), Ratcatcher 2, King Shark, Blackguard and of course, to everyone’s relief, the crazy-yet-charming, Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie). From the trailer, one of the biggest surprises came in the form of Sylvester Stallone giving his voice to the character of King Shark. King Shark may come across as the most bizarre character to grace a superhero film, but given the fantastical nature of the film, it could just do what Rocket did for Marvel in Guardians of Galaxy franchise. Meanwhile, Idris Elba plays the character of Bloodsport.

According to DC comic book mythology, Bloodsport is a supervillian and can be considered a replacement of Deadshot. In the trailer he is seen doing it all: pointing guns at his team, making fun of Peacemaker, and even indulging in a Rated-R conversation with him on who should be the team’s leader. Another pleasantly surprising addition to the film is John Cena starring as Peacemaker, playing the staple rogue vigilante who considers himself a hero rather than villain. He’s seen sporting a polo shirt and has paired it with a signature Peacemaker helmet.

Oh, and did we tell you there’s a giant monster starfish who steals the trailer by wreaking havoc? Well, you should watch the trailer yourself and bask in the weird, funny and gory glory of James Gunn.

Watch the trailer for James Gunn’s Suicide Squad here:

The Suicide Squad 2021 is scheduled to release in cinemas and HBO Max on August 6, 2021.