In a distressing development former Mr. India contest winner Manoj Patil allegedly attempted suicide. Incidentally, he had earlier blamed actor Sahil Khan for harassment. According to reports, Patil tried committing suicide earlier last night by consuming sleeping pills.
Although the incident allegedly happened between 12.30 AM – 1 AM, somehow Patil’s family was able to rush him to the Cooper hospital. While he’s still alive, his condition remains critical.
The world of body building is riddled with blood, sweat and tears. Hours and hours are put by bodybuilders in gym during training session to keep their physique maintained. Beneath the glory though, lies the dark face of steroid consumption.
It’s a common knowledge that certain body builders take help of steroids to peak their physical state in less time. The recent incident of model and Mr. India winner Manoj Patil revolves around the same issue.
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The Facts of the Matter
On September 16, at around midnight, model and athlete Manoj Patil was found by his family in a distressing state. The family soon rushed Patil to the Cooper hospital. It was later revealed that Patil had allegedly taken sleeping pills to commit suicide.
According to National Crimes Record Bureau, over 1.39 lakh Indians took their lives in 2019. A more distressing figure was that a 67% of the 1.39 lakh Indians were persons in the 18-45 age group. Patil who belongs in the same category, is just one among the lakhs of Indians that die every day by committing suicide.
The Sahil Khan Connection
The cause of Patil’s attempt at taking his own life has not been ascertained yet. However, a new name has been making buzz for his alleged involvement in the matter. Actor Sahil Khan was recently publicly attacked by Patil for ‘harassing’ him.
According to reports, the former Mr. India title winner had filed a formal complaint at the Oshiwara police station for cyber-bullying and harassment. Patil claimed that Khan was defaming his nutritional shop since years.,
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“Facing Harassment for 2 Years”: Manoj Patil
Further, Patil had taken to Instagram multiple times and had claimed that he will be raising voice against Sahil Khan. In a video, Patil said that he had had enough, and after receiving calls and messages for people, he will be exposing Khan. “He has been harassing me for two years. He digs out information and then defames me,” he said.
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The ‘Manoj Steroidwala’ Video
It should be noted that Sahil Khan had recently uploaded a video, making fun of Patil. In the sarcastic video, Sahil labelled Patil as ‘Manoj Steroidwala’, and showed a person facing issues after getting steroids from Patil.
After the incident with Patil, Sahil Khan gave an interview to ETimes. In the interview, he gave the complete picture of the feud between him and Patil. He claimed that he met a person on a social-media platform who had taken Rs. 2 lakhs from Patil for steroids. Sahil claimed that Patil had allegedly sold him fake steroids.
“No Direct Association with Manoj”: Sahil Khan
He further claimed that he shared the above-mentioned video for social-media support for the person who was duped off his money.
“All I have done is support the boy and stood against selling steroids, since it’s a crime in our country. What if the guy had died after consuming expired steroids? This could be a publicity stunt with a communal angle. I have had no direct association with Manoj, I have not had any transaction with him either,” he said, as quoted by ETimes.