Today, 24th September 2019, Tuesday is the last date for obtaining registration for GATE 2020 (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering). Whoever has not yet applied for the same, visit the official website. However, if you are unable to register, don’t worry; you can still apply till 1st October 2019 with late fee payment.
What is GATE?
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) an examination where the comprehensive understanding of the aspirants is tested regarding various undergraduate subjects’ Post-graduate level subjects in Science. The Students appearing for GATE generally belong to the field of Engineering/Technology/Architecture and must be holding a graduate/ post-graduate degree in one or more of the said fields.
Based on GATE 2020 scores, students become eligible for admission to postgraduate and PhD level programs in the country’s most prestigious institutes IISc and IITs. Further, GATE score is widely accepted across India for obtaining admission in institutes of the aforesaid fields other than IITs & IISc as well. Students who are willing to apply for the forthcoming Post Graduate Session in Engineering/Technology/Architecture/Science colleges can appear in GATE. Further,
GATE Exam Pattern
25 different subject-based papers are conducted over 4 different days. The Exam is conducted in 2 shifts of 3 hours each and generally held in the month of January-February every year. It is an MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) based examination. 65 questions are asked in each paper, of which 30 questions are of 1 marks each & 35 questions are of 2 marks each. Thus, 100 marks for each paper are allotted. Out of these 65 questions, questions worth 15 marks will be from general aptitude and 15 marks are allotted for compulsory Engineering Mathematics. Further, for 35 MCQ questions, there is a 1/3rd negative marking for every incorrect answer. However, for the 30 numerical questions, there is no negative marking.
Who Conducts the GATE?
GATE is conducted every year by Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore and the seven Indian Institutes of Technology (at Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee). The exam is conducted on behalf of the National Coordination Board (NCB)-GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), and Government of India.
Why is the GATE Necessary? Or who needs to appear in GATE?
GATE is a qualifying exam and is mandatory for those who are seeking and/or scholarships to study:
* Master’s programs and direct Doctoral programs in Engineering/Technology/Architecture
* Doctoral programs in relevant branches of Science, in the institutions supported by the MHRD and other Government agencies.
*Apart from this, several other colleges which don’t provide MHRD scholarship/assistantship, admit students based on GATE qualification.
*GATE Scores play a significant role while getting recruitment in many PSUs (Public Sector Undertakings) & other government jobs as well.
GATE 2020
The exam organizing authorities have declared the dates of GATE 2020. The 25 different papers will be conducted on 1st, 2nd, 8th & 9th of February 2020. The examination will be held in hundreds of GATE centres, spread across India in different cities as well as in six cities outside India. The Computer Based Test will be held in two shifts from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm on the said dates. The GATE score is valid for 3 years from the date of result announcement.
GATE score reflects the relative performance & aptitude level of the candidate in a particular subject. The same is quantified based on several years of examination data.