Recently one of the videos from wedding rituals of celebrity Rajkumar Rao and Patralekha has gone viral where Rajkumar Rao asked patralekha to fill his maang with sindoor. This video is grabbing the attention of many of their fans who were eagerly waiting for their big day. Bollywood celebrities Patralekha and Rajkumar Rao got married on Novmeber 15, after dating each other for over a decade.
Recently Rajkumar Rao shared his wedding pic where the couple is smiling their heart loud. Mentioning his wife, Rajkumar Rao has said that he has married to his everything. He has also shared a wedding teaser with a small clip of every fun moment of the wedding. In this wedding teaser, patralekha and Rajkumar Rao have spoken their hearts by sharing their love for each other. The couple looks ravishing as they flaunt Sabyasachi designer wedding dresses like a pro.
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Sharing a Pic of Pajama Party
Soon after returning to Mumbai after enjoying their big fat wedding at Chandigarh’s The Oberoi sukhvilas Spa Resort with their close family and friends, along with Farah Khan. The very well-known filmmaker and close friend of Rajkumar Rao and has shared glimpses of the Pajama Party which the couple enjoyed with close friends during the wedding moments. Along with Farah Khan, the sister of Patralekha, Parnalekha also shared a photo from the Pajama Party with a cute caption. By looking at those pictures, their fans are so happy that they set real couple goals for them.
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Patralekha also posted some of her wedding pictures where she expresses her feeling for the love of her life by writing a lovely caption for her husband, Rajkumar Rao.
“I got married to my everything today; my boyfriend, my partner in crime, my family, my soulmate…My best friend for the last 11 years! There is no greater feeling than to be your wife!
Here’s to our forever…”
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