In a shocking incident reported from Hyderabad an 89-year-old diabetic man was accidentally locked inside a bank and was rescued after 17 hours of spending time trapped in the bank. 89-year-old V. Krishna Reddy, a businessman was at the Union Bank of India branch at Hyderabad’s Jubilee Hills earlier on Monday when he was locked inside the bank.
Meanwhile, based on a missing person’s complaint filed by Mr. Reddy’s family, the police traced the businessman at the bank and got him out of the bank’s locker room where he had spent his last 17 hours trapped. According to reports, Mr. Reddy had been let into the locker room and was left alone to operate his bank locker.
However, the bank staff forgot to check on Reddy and at around 5.30 PM on Monday, they shut the bank. After being rescued, Mr. Reddy was rushed to the hospital, given his comorbidities. Later Mr. Reddy’s son confirmed to the media that his father was doing okay and an official statement will be issued.
The Facts of the Matter
What are the true ingredients of a horror story? Is it gore and macabre? Or is it pure negligence, unawareness and the fear of the unknown. Life recently imitated fiction in Hyderabad when a 89-year-old diabetic man was trapped inside a bank for 17 hours, left on his own self all alone and no true inkling on how and when he would be saved. Sounds like a true horror story, doesn’t it?
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Mr. Reddy Didn’t Carry Phone, Didn’t Tell Family Where he was Going
When 89-year-old V. Krishna Reddy took to a Union of India branch to operate his locker, little did he know that not taking his cell phone and not letting his family know that he was going to the bank would be a horrific mistake. Mr. Reddy went to the bank on Monday evening, and due to the bank staff’s negligence, got trapped inside the bank for about 17 hours, only to be rescued later on Monday.
Bank Staff Leaves Mr. Reddy Alone, Shuts Shop at 5.30
On Monday, Mr. Reddy took to the Union Bank of India’s Jubilee Hills branch at around 4.20 pm. Bank staffer Radha Kumari realized that the octogenarian wanted to use his locker. After Kumari used the master key, she left Mr. Reddy on his own to use his locker.
While Mr. Reddy was still in the bank, the staff went about the closing at around 5.30 and shut the shop. According to Jubilee Hills sub-inspector, who was involved in tracing Mr. Reddy, the bank staff checked the locker room but didn’t notice Mr. Reddy.
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Family Files Complaint, Police Swings into Action
Meanwhile, as Mr. Reddy had not informed his family and was without a phone, his family got worried when he didn’t come back home late at night. They tried to harness the power of social media and soon it was flooded with missing man messages and posts with Mr. Reddy’s picture. A missing person’s complaint was also filed at the Jubilee Hills police station late at night.
The police quickly swung into action and first tried checking the CCTV footage from where Mr. Reddy was last seen. On Tuesday morning around 9.30 AM, the police went to the bank branch to further investigate more CCTV footage.
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Police Found Mr. Reddy Lying on Floor, Rushed Him to Hospital
Further analysis of footage revealed that the bank’s CCTV, which was pointed at road, showed him entering the bank, but not leaving it. Working on the suspicion that Mr. Reddy may be trapped the police had the staff open the bank’s locker room.
There the police found Mr. Reddy lying on a floor. A diabetic patient, Mr. Reddy was already looking frail and was rushed to the hospital. Later, his son revealed that Mr. Reddy was doing fine and that the family will issue a statement.
As for the negligence of the bank staff, the police claimed that if the family would file a complaint, a negligence case would be registered against the staff.
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