In the Hyderabad rape case, the suspected accused was found dead on railway tracks. The body was found after a Telangana minister’s ‘encounter’ warning where he publicly announced that the accused will be killed in an encounter. The news comes after a massive manhunt was initiated to nab the culprits behind the rape of a minor girl. Reportedly, 15 police teams were formed and were sent to bring the culprits in the clutch of the law.

Earlier last week, a 6-year-old girl was found raped in Hyderabad’s Singareni colony causing outrage among people across the nation. The people demanded for quick justice for the family of the minor girl.


According to the NCRB (National Crime Records Bureau) crimes against women was on rise in 2019 when compared to 2018. The memories of the 2019 gang-rape case are still fresh in the minds of hundreds of thousands of Indians. In 2019, a 26-year-old girl was gangraped and murdered. She was then set on fire and was left abandoned on the city’s outskirts.

Recently, another rape case has brewed a storm and has caused massive outrage amongst Indian masses and classes. While all rape and sexual assault cases are heinous and inhumane, the case is especially tragic. The reason is simple enough, the victim of the case was a young 6-year-old girl.

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The Facts of the Matter

In the ongoing rape-case of a 6-year-old girl, new development emerged on September 16. According to reports, the police found the alleged accused’s body on the railway tracks in Warangal. The police were able to confirm that it was indeed the accused after it identified a tattoo on the accused’s hand. It should be noted that the confirmation will be announced after the police gets DNA and fingerprint matches.

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Reportedly, the police claimed that the accused committed suicide after being absconding for days. An NDTV report quoted the city’s Police Commissioner Anjani Kumar saying, “It appears to be suicide.”

The Telangana DGP meanwhile also took to Twitter and shared certain images of the accused’s body. “The accused of “Child Sexual Molestation and murder @ Singareni Colony, found  dead on the railway track, in the limits of #StationGhanpurPoliceStation. Declared after the verification of identification marks on deceased body,” his tweet read.

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Telangana Minister Malla Reddy’s ‘Encounter’ Announcement

It should be noted that earlier, Telangana minister Malla Reddy had publicly announced that the accused will be brought to justice and there must be a ‘encounter’ against him. Speaking to the reporters, Reddy had said how the incident was terrible and the accused will be caught. “(We) will do encounter. There is no question of leaving him,” he was quoted in an India Today report.

The Telangana minister’s remarks came just after the state authorities received flak for its law-and-order situation by the public and opposition BJP and Congress.

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Manhunt Initiated After Police Finds 6-yo-girl Raped & Murdered

Earlier, a massive manhunt was initiated in the backdrop of the rape of the 6-year-old girl. According to reports, the girl was found murdered in a neighbour’s house. On investigation, it was found that she was sexually assaulted.

The incident caused severe outrage and soon the Hyderabad police announced a Rs. 10 lakh reward for tip or information which may lead to the arrest of the accused. The police later announced that it identified a suspect by the name Pallakonda Raju.

According to the police’s brief, the accused stood 5 ft 9 in tall, was about 30 years old, had long hair and was an alcoholic. One major evidence that the police gathered was that the accused had a tattoo on both of his hands.