In an incident which showed a new twist, an Indore wife, who had earlier eloped with an auto driver with Rs. 47 lakhs returned back. Reportedly the woman and her lover spent Rs. 13 lakhs in a short span of just 26 days. A Dainik Bhaskar report confirms that the woman returned back to her husband after she spent all the money that she and her auto-driver lover had on them. The remainder of amount, Rs. 34 lakhs, was already recovered by the police during the investigation.

The woman, after coming back to Indore, told the police that she had eloped with the auto driver as she had fallen in love with him. She also added, report said, that her husband had started bothering her. However, the wife has agreed to continue living with the husband, and so has the husband.


A wife of a millionaire husband – a stressful marriage – an auto driver that steals the wife’s woman – and a conspiracy. While this may sound like the plot point of a drama web series, these are the seeds of a recent incident that was reported from Indore.

On October 27, we reported that a millionaire’s wife eloped with an auto driver who was 13 years younger than her. The woman also stole Rs. 47 lakhs from her husband before she eloped. Later, during the preliminary investigation, it was revealed that Rs. 34 lakhs were recovered from a man who was the auto-driver’s friend.

Weeks after the incident, a new twist has emerged in the tale.

Also Read: Indore: Millionaire’s Wife Runs Away with Auto Driver After Stealing Rs 47 Lakhs from Husband

The Facts of the Matter

A woman from Indore’s Khajrana area returned to her base after she had earlier eloped with an auto-driver. After returning, she claimed that she wants to continue living with her husband. Moreover, her husband has also accepted the woman after the whole ordeal. Meanwhile, the auto-driver with whom the woman eloped with, is still on-the-run.

Husband Millionaire – Lover 13-years-younger

According to reports, the woman was reported missing since October 13 from Khajrana area. The woman was the wife of a millionaire property broker and later, it was alleged that she had eloped with a man 13-years younger to her.

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Investigation Goes Cold – Wife and Auto Driver Still Missing

The preliminary investigation led the police to two friends of the auto-driver, from whom an amount of Rs. 34 lakhs was recovered. The friends were identified as Ritesh Thakur and Furqan. Slowly, the police widened its search and conducted several raids to find out the whereabouts of the woman or her lover. But the search led to no return.

Woman Reaches to Police Station After 26 Days

The police were in for a surprise. On November 8, the police officers at Khajrana police station were dumb founded when they saw the woman walk in the station. What followed was hours of interrogation about the whereabouts of the short-lived affair of the woman and the auto-driver.

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Pithampur to Lonavla – Woman Spends 13 Lakhs At Several Places

The woman claimed that she had hired the taxi to elope with the stolen money. With her lover, the woman first went to Pithampur, an industrial hub that’s about 30 kilometers away from Indore. Then, the couple hopped from one place to the other, which included Jaora, Shirdi, Lonavla, Nashik, Vadodra, Surat, and more.

In the 26 days that she was missing for, the woman and her lover spent Rs. 13 lakhs. The woman then returned to her senses, and decided to make her way to her husband.