Indian comedian and TV and talk-show host Kapil Sharma and his wife Ginni welcomed their second child, a baby boy today morning. Ginni and Kapil married in December 2018 according to both Hindu and Sikh traditions and gave birth to a baby girl in 2019.  

The comedian who started off his comedy journey from the Great Indian Laughter Challenge took to Twitter to share the joyous news. Kapil in his tweet wrote, “Namaskaar we are blessed with a Baby boy this early morning, by the grace of God Baby n Mother both r fine, thank you so much for all the love, blessings n prayers love you all ginni n kapil #gratitude.” 

Earlier last week, Kapil had an interactive session with the hashtag #askkapil where he confirmed the news of his wife’s expectancy. When a fan asked him why his show is off-air, the Kapil replied: “Only a small break.” When another fan asked him the same question, Sharma responded with some more details saying, “ Bcoz I need be there at home with my wife to welcome our second baby.” 

As the news of India’s most loved comedian being blessed by another child spread, fans and celebrities alike congratulated Kapil and his wife. From sportspersons like Suresh Raina, Saina Nehwal to actors like Sunil Shetty and Vineet Kumar, everyone took part in Kapil’s joy of fatherhood.  

 Indian stand-up comedian Atul Khatri and Jeeveshu Ahluwalia also congratulated their fellow comedian and his wife.