In a shocking news, Kanchana 3 fame Russian actress Alexandra Djavi was recently found dead in her Goa house. According to reports, the investigation will now see a Chennai based photographer probed. The Goa police is currently waiting for the permission from the Russian embassy to conduct a post mortem to initiate the further stages of investigation.


The lucrative seeming Indian film industry attracts talent not only from India, but from across the world. Men and women from distant corners of the globe pack their bags and make their way to India, to fulfill their dream of making it big in the film industry. While most of them are vanished, some find their place only to be later eliminated by mental illness, tragedy or bad luck.

The Facts of the Matter

In one such instant, a Russian-based model and actress Alexandra Djaivi was recently found dead, hanging from the ceiling fan of her rented place in a North Goan village. The incident was reported on April 19 and according to the local police, her fiance, who returned from Morjim found her hanging in her rented home in Gublawado, Oxel Siolim, Bardez Goa.

Although Alexandra was yet to be casted in a major motion picture, she did play a part in Kanchana 3 where she played the character of Rosy – who turns into a revenge seeking spirit. Currently the Goa authorities are waiting for approval from the Russian embassy to conduct a postmortem.

2 Murders in One Month

Vikram Varma, a lawyer said that Alexandra’s post mortem will be conducted in Russian counselor official’s presence. Further, he also said that post mortem of 34-year-old Russian model Ekaterina Titova – who was also found dead in her Goa apartment in a different incident, will also be conducted once Russian embassy gives go ahead.

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Chennai Photographer to be Probed

Meanwhile, the primary suspect in the case is a Chennai based photographer who was in news for harassing Alexendra in 2019. Lawyer Vikram was quoted by DNA saying, “Regarding the 24-year-old, Alexandra, we have received information that she had been blackmailed in 2019 for sexual favours and after a preliminary enquiry, the Chennai Police had registered an FIR. But this is preliminary information and we hope that the Goa Police will investigate the matter thoroughly and rule out any possible suspicion in her death.”

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The 2019 Incident

The FIR which is being referred to above by the lawyer where Djavi complained that the photographer was harassing her for sexual favours. Regarding the matter, Verma said that sometimes a person who commits homicide, may use a method where they make the incident appear like that of suicide.

“Matter of death and especially where the death involves a young person, the levels of suspicion have to be very high and we should rule out any possibility of homicide, because people who commit murder, sometimes they disguise their acts in such a clever manner that it appears like a suicide or an accident,” he said.

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What the Police are Saying

According to Shobhit Saxena, North Goa Police Superintendent, the foul play on the victim has been ruled out and he added, “Prima facie cause of death was asserted as hanging and in the other case, a 34-year-old Russian passport holder lady was found dead in her bedroom. In both cases we are following legal procedure, which is, we have informed the embassy to appoint a representative and inquest proceedings in the meantime are ongoing,” Saxena said.

As for the final cause of death, the North Goa Police SP said, “We will wait for a statement from representatives and the final decision on the cause of death by the medico-legal examination.”