Kareena Kapoor Khan has finally shared the first picture of her new born baby boy on the occasion of International Women’s Day. The gorgeous Bollywood actress gave birth to her second child on 21 February, 2021.

Kareena took to her instagram to share a beautiful captivating, beyond time feel picture of her second born, Taimur’s baby brother’s first picture. Which she captioned as

“There’s nothing women can’t do ❤️❤️

Happy Women’s Day my loves ❤️


In the black and white picture, Kareena is seen holding her son close to her, in her arms. The Tashan actress shared the picture to send a strong message to the women community on International Women’s Day.

As and when the picture was uploaded, fan love started to pour in. The friends, family and acquaintances also commented and showered both with their love and care. Karisma Kapoor and Soha Ali Khan also reacted to the post.

Karisma Kapoor, Kareena’s elder sister and Riya Kapoor, Sonam Kapoor’s younger sister also reacted to the post with heart Emojis. Saif Ali Khan’s sister Saba Pataudi also wrote, “You are a rock … love you” in the comment section.

Kareena Kapoor delivered her second baby at Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai on February 21, 2021 at around 9 am. The news was first confirmed by Randhir Kapoor, father of Kareena and Karisma Kapoor. He informed PTI that Kareena gave birth to a baby boy around 9 am. In a press statement, Saif Ali Khan shared the news that they have been blessed with a child. Both Mother and child are safe and sound. He thanked their well-wishers for their love and support. Soon after it was confirmed, congratulatory messages started to pour for Kareena and Saif welcoming their second child.

Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan dated for a while before getting married in October 2012. The couple welcomed their first child, Taimur Ali Khan, on December 20, 2016, after four years. Though there were several controversies on the choice of the name of their first born. Kareena and Saif announced the arrival of their second child in August last year.