The door-to-door ration scheme controversy in Delhi took a new turn on Monday when BJP’s spokesperson Sambit Patra alleged that Delhi CM “Kejriwal is doing drama” and that the Delhi Cm’s ration scheme is scam. Patera’s statement came after Kejriwal on Sunday appealed to Prime Minister Modi to let his government implement the ration delivery scheme.
Once a bureaucrat in the Income Tax department of our country, Arvind Kejriwal has been finding out new ways to call the country’s attention to Prime Minister Modi hindering his schemes for the Delhi citizens.
The Aam Aadmi Party leader has been using public press briefings as an outlet to call PM Modi and Centre out & raise his demands in a stern yet politely. Earlier amid the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic, the Delhi CM raised certain demands in front of the Prime Minister related to oxygen supply while telecasting the private meeting to the public.
On the same day when the Delhi CM publicly appealed to the India’s Prime Minister to let his government implement the door-to-door ration scheme, BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra launched an attack on the AAP leader. Patra claimed that the Centre has stalled a “scam” which would have diverted the subsidized ration.
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“Kejriwal did drama, kept truth from you”: Sambit Patra
In his press conference, Patra said-
This is an attempt to rattle the citizens of Delhi and India. Today, I’ll clearly put the truth out which Kejriwal kept from you by doing drama.”
Further in his briefing, Patra claimed that the AAP ruling city Delhi has zero Aadhar authentication against the country’s average of over 70%. Patra alleged that Kejriwal had in the past hindered all the POS machines’ operations that were used to take biometric verification. Using this information, Patra alleged that there would be no way of determining if the ration is actually being given to the needy or being diverted.
Also Read: PM-CM Meet: PM Modi scolds Delhi CM Kejriwal for breaking ‘protocol’, Kejriwal expresses regret
Delhi only lifted 68% of ration provided by Centre
Further, Patra said how Kejriwal blamed the Centre for not taking care of the poor and needy but in truth over 72.8 lakh citizens are currently benefiting from the Food Security Act. He further cleared how under the PM Garib Kalyan Yojna; the Delhi government has only been able to lift 53,045 MT of ration out of the 72,782 provided by the Centre. He also alleged that the AAP government has only been able to distribute 68% of the 53,045 MT ration.
Patra also said how Kejriwal has hidden cost provision in which the Delhi agencies will lift the ration and impose extra charges like flour made from wheat. “We will not be able to find who is getting the ration. It is a scam.”
“‘A’ is for advertisement, ‘B’ is for blame..” Patra uses alphabets against Kejriwal
In a sarcastic dig, Patra also used the alphabetical order ‘A’ to ‘F’ and criticized Kejriwal using the letters. Patra claimed that ‘A’ stands for advertisement, ‘B’ stands for Blame where Kejriwal blamed PM Modi for not helping him with beds, oxygen, etc. ‘C’ Patra said stands for ‘Credit’, where Patra alleged that both Delhi CM and Deputy CM should take credit for Mohalla clinic.
‘D’ Patra claimed is for Drama where he said that the country needs to work in cooperation whereas Kejriwal only does drama. ‘E’ stands for Excuses where Patra claimed that Kejriwal has an excuse for everything and finally ‘F’ stands for Failure. Patra said that Delhi has no infrastructure, no oxygen plant and no hospital.
“Read Centre’s Guidelines”: Deputy CM Sisodia responds to Patra’s allegations
Delhi’s Deputy CM Manish Sisodia responded to the allegations made by BJP leader and said, “He said we want to levy an extra charge. Mr. Patra should read the Centre’s guidelines. It is written clearly that if someone wants wheat to be ground to aata, Rs 3 can be charged for this. Our scheme says we will charge Rs 2 and will deliver aata to their homes. Your problem is not Rs 2, your problem is that ration will reach people’s homes, and BJP will not be able to pilfer it.”