In a luck by chance moment, an MP farmer mined a diamond worth Rs. 30 lakhs on a leased land. What makes the news all the more unbelievable is the fact that he has struck luck not for the first time – not for the second or third time – but the sixth time, in the last 6 years. Recently, the farmer of Panna district mined a shiny diamond which weighs at 6.47 carat and will be sold in the upcoming auction.


The mythos of Midas told a story of an emperor, who was granted a wish which let him turn anything that he touched into gold. The story was a tragic one, warning people against greed, as Midas’ wish turned into his curse and became his end. However, the story coming straight from Panna is quite different.

The Story of Prakash Majumdar – A Miner 6 Times Lucky

This is the story of Prakash Majumdar a Panna based farmer, who is evidently able to mine a diamond, wherever his eyes fell. Don’t believe us? We will let the evidences convince you. In the last two years, Prakash has not mined one or two or even precious stones, but six of them.

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Majumdar’s Latest Lucky Break

Recently, Majumdar made news again after he mined another 6.47 carat diamond which is approximately Rs. 30 lakhs from his land which he leased from the government years back. According to Panna’s diamond officer in-charge Nutan Jain, Mr. Majumdar mined the diamond from a Jaruapur village, Panna.

Now, the lucky miner is patiently waiting for the upcoming auction where he will be able to put the diamond in the market and sell it off, at a prize fixed by the government.

Govt To Deduct Taxes & Royalties

As the land is leased by Majumdar from the government, he’s legally obligated to put the diamond through an auction where government will deduct certain taxes from the proceeds Mr. Majumdar receives.

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The Lucky Partners

According to an NDTV report, the newly mined diamond by Majumdar can help him get as much as Rs. 30 lakhs. How’s that for luck! However, it should be noted that Majumdar is not going to be the only beneficiary to the price the diamond is going to fetch.

As he is associated to 4 other partners, the amount will be equally distributed between him and the partners. “We are five partners. We got the diamond weighing 6.47 carat, which we deposited at the Government Diamond Office”, he was quoted by reporters saying.

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Majumdar’s Previous Fruitful Mining

Earlier in 2020, when almost all of us were looking at the sky, cursing our fate, Majumdar had another tryst with luck and had mined a 7.44. carat diamond. That’s clearly not all, as he had earlier mined diamonds that weighed about 2-2.5 carat in the span of two years. While precious stones weighing 2-2.5 carat may not seem as impressive as a 7.44 carat diamond, it would have still fetched him quite a sum.