Comedian and social media influencer Mallika Dua received help from Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Puri for arranging Tocilizumab for her COVID-19 infected mother after both her parents tested positive for the virus. To this the netizens on Twitter called it a ‘VIP culture’.

On Monday, Mallika Dua was the latest target of online trolling when the Twitter exchange between her and Civil Aviation Minister of India Hardeep Singh Puri went viral throughout the platform. Mallika, whose mother and father both are tested positive for the COVID-19 virus, sought for the help of arranging medicines for her mother Chinna Dua.

On Sunday, she took over twitter and tagged Congress leader and former Lok Sabha member Deepender Singh Hooda seeking for the help to arrange Tocilizumab, one of the two most important and efficient antibody therapies that are currently being used to treat coronavirus patients.

Also read- Blood plasma therapy dropped by India from clinical management protocol of COVID-19

In the conversation on Twitter, Dua wrote that her mother, who was admitted in Medanta Hospital in Gurugram, needed emergency Tocilizumab dosage. To which Hooda responded immediately and asked her to forward patient details to him so that a member of his crew could look into the matter.

Another response to Dua’s tweet, which suddenly grabbed all the attention, was of, Bharatiya Janata Party leader and the current Civil Aviation Minister of India and Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs Hardeep Singh Puri, who responded to Dua’s plea and even gave some emergency mobile number for Dua to contact him for help.

Just sometime after the exchange of the series of information through some tweets, Mallika Dua announced on Twitter that Tocilizumab has been arranged for her mother.

But somehow the tweet conversation was not at all in favour with the netizens and was more a matter of an outrage over Puri lending his help for Mallika at a time when thousands and thousands of people across country were dying due to the shortage of medical resources.

Many netizens also pointed out that the behaviour depicted by the Minister was more of like ‘VIP culture’ at its best where celebrities were easily able to arrange for the resources and even ministers helped them but when an ordinary person pleaded help on Twitter, no one came forward to help them.

Some of the most trending reactions on Twitter over the conversations were-


Amid all this chaos and all the controversy, it is assumed that Mallika Dua has deleted her account.