On the ongoing Manoj Muntashir plagiarism allegations, the lyricist has broken his silence and claimed “none of my creations are 100% original”. The lyricist claimed that he’s being targeted for being a ‘nationalist’. Muntashir also shared a video on his YouTube channel and gave elaborate account of where some of his lyrics came from and from what they were inspired by.

Further, the lyricist also claimed that if the allegations of plagiarism in Kesari song Teri Mitti are proven true, he would quit writing.


Painter Pablo Picaso was once quoted saying ‘good artists copy, great artists steal’. His words are open to interpretation, but in content creation, often inspiration is taken from a particular piece of work and a new spin is given to that. In such a situation, the thin line between original work and plagiarized work gets blurred.

Recently, lyricist Manoj Muntashir, credited to have penned down modern hit songs such as Teri Mitti, Tere Sang Yaara, etc, has been accused of plagiarism. These are the facts of the matter.

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The Facts of the Matter

Recently, lyricist Manoj Muntashir was accused of plagiarism by netizens. Soon, Muntashir took to his YouTube channel and gave an elaborate insight into how a creative mind works. Claiming that most artists are inspired by one another, Muntashir said how none of his creations are truly 100% original.

“Teri Mitti Originated from Geeta Rabri”: Muntashir

Muntashir spoke on the allegations of plagiarizing ‘Teri Mitti’ from a Pakistani song that’s been making the rounds on the internet. According to Muntashir, the song came from Geeta Rabri, a local folk singer. He further said that he himself had shared the folk singer’s song from his own social media accounts multiple times.

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“Don’t Disrespect Anthem of Indian Soldiers”

“If I had plagiarized the song, why would I have shared the song on my own social media. And still if one is suspicious, every media outlet would have her number. They can ask her and where she herself got the song from,” he said.

He further added, “If you have a problem with me, I’m right here. But don’t disrespect a song that has now become the anthem of crores of Indians and lakhs of Indian soldiers.”

On Allegations of Translating English Poem

Muntashir also spoke on allegations regarding him translating an English poem and then giving his own name to it. “Just one? This could be said about every single poem or song that I have written,” Manoj said.

He added that the said poem ‘Mujhe Call Karna’, has not been a contributing factor to his success and it’s inconsequential that he would plagiarize something while all his popular works are original. He said that this would be akin to someone accusing a millionaire of stealing Rs. 200.

Teri Galliyan from Mumin, Tere Sang Yaara Inspired rom Gorakh Puri

He further gave references to his songs having inspiration from the greatest Hindu and Urdu poets. He said that the song Teri Galliyan from Ek Villian was inspired by Mumin’s couplets. Further, he claimed that Tere Sang Yaara’s lyrics are inspired from Firaq Gorakhpuri’s couplets.

In his video, Muntashir said that he’s being punished for being a nationalist. “Those who are attacking me must know now, I’m unstoppable. My complete name is Manoj Muntashir Shukla, and I’m proud of it.”