MPBSE 10 and 12 Class Admit Cards have been released by the Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education on April 9, 2021. Amid the rising COVID-19 cases in Madhya Pradesh, the state’s education ministry will be conducting the examination for the state board students from April 30th. Students who are studying to appear for their 10th and 12th board exams can now go to their schools and get their respective admit cards.

According to MPBSE, the principal and school administrators will need to download the admit card for all the 10th and 12th class students and distribute it to them. The school authorities will require adhering to basic requirements like signing the admit cards, and putting a stamp on the admit card. The authorities can also make changes to the admit card if there’s an error caught by a student. They can do so by visiting the MPBSE’s official online portal MPONLINE.

It should be noted that all the changes can only be made by the school administrators or principal and they would need to pay a certain correction fee. They would also need to do so before April 15, after which, there will not be a window to make changes.

How to download MPBSE Class 10th, 12th Admit Card 2021:

1) School principal or administrators can visit the MPBSE’s official website

2) Select the “MPBSE Class 10, 12 Admit Card 2021” link that’s on the homepage.

3) Enter appropriate credentials and login.

4) Now you can download, print, sign and distribute the MPBSE Class 10th and 12th Admit Card for 2021 board exams.

New Exam Pattern for MPBSE 10th and 12th Board Exam

Due to COVID-19 induced lockdown, which affected millions of students across the state, the MPBSE decided to cut the syllabus by 30% and take examination on the remaining 70%. Moreover, this year a new exam pattern will be seen where each examination will have 30% one-marked MCQ (multiple choice questions).

Additionally, the board will be doing away with long-answer type questions that used to appear for 8 marks each. This year, the long-answer type questions will come for 5 marks each and will have a word limit of approximately 200 words.

Moreover, due to rising COVID-19 cases in the state, the board of education also announced 2 new forms of examinations they would conduct for pre-board examinations of 10th and 12th class along with the final exam of 9th and 11th class.

In its statement, the MPBSE announced that students will have choices as to how they want to appear for the examination. In the first option, the students will have an option to give the examination online while in the second one, they would have an option to collect the papers from the schools when they are distributed. And then solve it at their homes in a stipulated time limit and then submit it at the school.

The students of government schools will only be able to give the examinations with the second option. However, students of all the private schools that come under the MPBSE will be able to choose between both the options.

Meanwhile, the MBBSE also revised the Board Exam Time Table 2021 for 10th and 12th class students recently. The Madhya Pradesh Secondary Education Department will be conducting the 10th examination from April 30th to May 19th, 2021. Earlier the board was scheduled to conduct the 10th board examination from April 30th to May 15th. The 12th board examination will be conducted from May 1st to May 21st, 2021, which was revised from May 1st to May 18th 2021. If you’re a student of either of those exams, you can check the complete schedule for your class from the official website of the MPBSE.


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