Delhi Police’s Special Cell reached Tihar Jail on Thursday in connection with the Mukesh Ambani bomb scare probe. Based on the Special Cell’s information, Tihar Jail authorities conducted a search operation in jail number 8 on 11th March from 6 pm to 9 pm. During the search operation, authorities found a mobile phone and a sim card which was used to operate a Telegram channel named ‘Jaishulhind’.
According to a senior Mumbai police official, this Telegram channel was created on 26th February and it had claimed responsibility for placing an SUV filled with explosives outside Mukesh Ambani’s home Antilia in Mumbai last month. ‘Jaishulhind’ threatened Mukesh Ambani and his family and demanded money via cryptocurrency.
However, the organization Jaish-ul-Hind denied any involvement in the incident on a social media platform.
The phone collected from jail number 8 belongs to Indian Mujahideen terrorist Tehseen Akhtar. Tehseen Akhtar is now a suspect in the Mukesh Ambani bomb scare case. Tehseen Akhtar was involved in the serial blasts in Hyderabad and Bodh Gaya. He was arrested after a blast during Narendra Modi’s rally in 2014 in Patna.
The barrack also houses terrorists linked to al-Qaeda and the underworld.
The investigation in the Mukesh Ambani bomb scare case was initiated by the Mumbai police Crime Branch. On Thursday, the Mumbai police official found that the Telegram channel that claimed responsibility for placing explosives-laden SUV outside Mukesh Ambani’s home was created in Delhi’s Tihar jail.
After that, the Delhi Police’s Special Cell visited Tihar Jail to track the user of the mobile phone and number 9311**0819. The Jail authorities questioned 11 prisoners and searched their belongings and cells. Finally, they found the phone from jail number 8.
According to Mumbai Police, this phone number was registered in the name of one Jayadip Lodhiya, Delhi and it was smuggled in the Tihar Jail. During the search operation, the police have also found one more number – 9711**9888, which was inactive since September and only used to activate the main number.
The user of the main number was using a virtual cell phone number app. This app created a virtual number which was used to create the Telegram account ‘Jaishulhind’. The user was also using a TOR browser to protect his identity online.
After the mobile handset and details of the seizure are received from Tihar Jail authorities, Delhi Police’s Special Cell will do further investigation and forensic analysis. The Special Cell will also interrogate the main suspect Tehseen Akhtar.
This investigation has also raised a question on the security of the Tihar jail and how a terrorist got a mobile phone inside the cell.