In a chilling piece of news coming from Maharashtra, a Nagpur man killed his roommate and came back home to sleep peacefully after dumping body. The incident is enough to raise goose bumps over one’s body and to push them towards having suspicion over their roommates and family members. The suspect has been booked under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code.
We have all heard of how cold some humans could get. From police procedural dramas like Crime Patrol and Savdhaan India, to Bollywood films, images of psychotic killers doing their deed and then going about their mundane life are something people consider just a figment of human imagination and part of fiction. But an incident reported from Nagpur shows how there’s a thin line between fiction and reality.
Recently, a 26-year-old man Devansh was arrested for killing his roommate Raju in Nagpur’s Dabha region. The victim was a 35-year-old man who was from Maharashtra, said police. Both Raju and Devansh worked as car mechanics in a garage.
Murder, Clean-up, Napping
The crime occurred earlier last Saturday when a discussion turned into a heated argument between the victim Raju and the accused Devansh. Both Raju and Devansh shared a rented room in Nagpur. After the argument, Devansh killed Raju brutally using a sharp object. This led to Raju’s death on the spot.
Devansh then went on to dump Raju’s body on an open plot, returned back home, and cleaned the room where a brutal murder was done by him a few hours back. Taking his cold-blooded disposition to a new height, the accused then simply came back home and went to sleep.
As they say, no crime can go unnoticed. The locals soon spotted a dead body lying on the empty plot where it was dumped and alerted the authorities. The police have arrested Devansh and has booked him under Indian Penal Code’s relevant sections.
Woman and Lover Takes Down Husband
In a similar news, a Maharashtra woman and her conspirator boyfriend were arrested for the murder of the former’s husband. The woman’s husband was an employee with Western Coalfields Limited.
It all started when the police found an unidentified body lying dead near the Vardha river. Investigation showed that the man was Maroti Kakre and postpartum revealed injury marks on Maroti’s body. After the revelation, the police pursued the murder angle.
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Police Zeros in to the Suspects
Soon, the police investigated call related forensic evidences which led them to Prajakta, Maroti’s 25-year-old wife and other suspects. The police went on to interrogate the suspects and the whole ordeal was revealed.
Maroti was a drunk, Wife Uses this to Advantage
According to the reports, Prajakta and her sister’s brother-in-law were having an affair. Prajakta wanted the brother-in-law to claim Maroti’s job and spend her life with him. Maroti was also an alcoholic who used to pick up fights with Prajakta in unabbreviated state.
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Lover Brings in Another Friend in the Mix
Soon, Prajakta and her lover lured the latter’s friend Vikas and paid him to get his assistance in executing the murder. Vikas reportedly struck a conversation with Maroti and in the pretext of accompanying him for booze he managed to strike a rapport with Maroti.
The Gory End
Vikas then continued serving liquor and saw to the fact that Maroti got appropriately drunk. Later, Vikas took him to an isolated place, strangled him, and slashed his throat. Later, Prajakta’s lover came to the spot and with his accomplices, he stuffed Maroti’s body inside a car and dumped it near a river, to make it look like it was a crime.