In a tragic incident, an on-duty police official committed suicide just outside the state assembly, leaves a note addressing CM Yogi in Lucknow on Thursday under suspicious circumstances. Identified as Sub Inspector of Police Nirmal Kumar Choubey, who allegedly shot himself at Gate No. 7 of Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly. While investigating the Police informed that they recovered a suicide note addressed to CM Yogi Adityanath.
The suicide letter reads “I am not keeping well. I am leaving. Take care of my children,” Nirmal Kumar wrote in the letter, said Naveen Arora, JT Commissioner, L&O.
Who was he and why did the cop shoot himself?
Nirmal Kumar Chaubey was a resident of Varanasi and was living in a rented house in Chinhat area of Lucknow. At around 3.00 pm, there was a sound of gunfire, the time when he shot himself with his service revolver while he was on duty. Hearing the sound of gunfire, other police officers rushed to the scene to enquire and look upon what exactly happened. On reaching the place of incident they found Nirmal Kumar lying and they immediately took him to the nearest civil hospital where the doctors declared him dead.
According to the reports, Nirmal Kumar Choubey was going through some mental issues for which he was undergoing treatment as well. Police said a case has been registered and investigations are on.
This incident is making people lash out, several hashtags on social media are also trending. Some reactions are:
Looking at the situation of BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh government over "rising" incidents of atrocities on women and Dalits in the state, it can clearly be stated that their Anti Dalit mentality is responsible for the failure of law & order. #योगी_इस्तीफा_दो
— Amit Chaudhary (@ch_amitkisan) March 4, 2021
In Hathras,
Uttar Pradesh, the father complaining to the daughter of the girl was shot and killed by the miscreants,
The daughter shouldered the father's bier.🙏💔💔
Don't like,just retweet #लाल_टोपी_वाला_गुंडा#SatyaMevaJayathe #YogiAdityanath— Saurabh Singh Rajput⚔️KR Fan🥰🙏 (@QCh5ZC7CBoKMo2y) March 2, 2021
𝗢𝘂𝘁 𝗢𝗻 𝗕𝗮𝗶𝗹, Man Accused Of 𝗦𝗲𝘅 Assault 𝗞𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘀 Woman's 𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 In UP‼#AdityanathKaRakshasRaj#Hathras
𝗠𝗲𝗮𝗻𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲 Shree #YogiAdityanath Will be on 𝗕𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗹 𝗧𝗼𝘂𝗿 for Election Campaign‼
— कटु-सत्य 🙃 (@DombivaliMe) March 2, 2021