On PM Modi’s Birthday, over 2 crore vaccines got administered, and a new record was set in process. The government aim was declared today – getting as many as 2.5 crore people vaccinated to mark the Prime Minister’s 71st birthday.
On the afternoon of September 17, the Health Ministry had already announced that over 1 crore people were vaccinated, and that the government was well on its way to achieve the target.
It seems as if it was yesterday that India was scrambling to procure more vaccines. From states raising flags that it had ran out of vaccines, to other countries helping India with raw materials, India saw it all during its vaccine struggle.
However, it seems as if those days are behind the countrymen. Not only has the country seen a sharp drop in the daily active cases, its health ministry claims that hundreds of thousands of people are getting vaccinated every day.
September has been showing a positive trend when it comes to vaccination – according to the Health Ministry, India has broken the 1-crore vaccination mark for 4 times.
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The Facts of the Matter
On the occasion of Prime Minister Modi’s birthday, the Central Government kicked off the largest vaccination attempt it has in a while. As a gift to the Made In India promotor, the Central Government vaccinated over 2 crore Indians with Made in India vaccines.
At the time of writing this article, Co-Win was reporting that as many as 2,10,69,858 vaccine doses have been administered.
#LargestVaccineDrive #Unite2FightCorona pic.twitter.com/Uly8hVAZY6
— Ministry of Health (@MoHFW_INDIA) September 17, 2021
Newly appointed Health Minister, Mr. Mansukh Mandaviya took to Twitter and wrote, “Gift to the Prime Minister on behalf of health workers and countrymen, realizing #VaccineSeva. Today, on the birthday of Prime minister @NarendraModi ji, India has crossed the historical figure of 2 crore vaccines in a day, setting a new record. Well done India!
#VaccineSeva को चरितार्थ करते हुए स्वास्थ्य कर्मियों एवं देशवासियों की तरफ़ से प्रधानमंत्री जी को उपहार।
प्रधानमंत्री @NarendraModi जी के जन्मदिन पर आज भारत ने नया कीर्तिमान स्थापित करते हुए एक दिन में 2 करोड़ टीके लगाने का ऐतिहासिक आँकड़ा पार किया है।
Well done India! pic.twitter.com/P94vXMN4Ow
— Mansukh Mandaviya (@mansukhmandviya) September 17, 2021
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What the Numbers Are Indicating?
Although the administration of 2 crore vaccine doses is an achievement in itself, the numbers paint an interesting picture. If one would look at the largest of states, a strange trend emerges, which is likely to pose questions.
Rajasthan, the biggest state in the nation (area-wise), has administered as many as 10,31,934 vaccine doses at the time of writing this article (5:55 PM). However, it only administered 3,18,709 doses on September 16 and 4,74,167 on September 15. It’s numbers on September 12 were abysmal, with only 94,183 vaccines.
Maharashtra, the second biggest state, has administered as many as 10,00,091 doses so far. Earlier on September 16, the state administered 6,54,949 doses, while on September 14 and 13 it administered 5,30,159 doses and 4,84,991 doses.
Madhya Pradesh has administered a striking 17,99,331 vaccine doses so far. Earlier on September 16, it administered 6,64,755 doses and on September 15, it administered 7,94,187 doses.
Gujarat meanwhile has administered 15,17,390 doses so far. On September 16, it had only administered 2,48,709 doses. Similarly, on September 15 and 14, it administered 3,60,889 and 3,99,106 doses.
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Uttar Pradesh, which is a poll-bound state where the Assembly Elections are to take place in 2022, is leading the charts. So far, over 18,30,595 doses have been administered in Uttar Pradesh on September 17. However, on September 16, it had only administered 4,35,626 doses and on September 15, it administered only 3,92,438 doses.
Uttarakhand, another poll-bound state for the 2022 Assembly Elections, has administered 1,57,074 doses. Interestingly, the last time it crossed over 1 lakh dose administration mark was on August 28. On September 16, it administered, 60,241 doses and on September 15, it administered, 67,046 doses.