In the ongoing Tokyo Paralympics, badminton players are now leading the medal rush for India. Para shuttler Krishna Nagar made history by bringing in the second gold medal for India in badminton while IAS Suhash Yathiraj clinched a silver medal. With multiple medals in shooting, badminton, and athletics, India’s overall medal tally has surged to 19 medals – its best so far.


As we come close to the conclusion of the Tokyo Edition of Paralympics, India continues to have its glorious streak of days with at least a couple of medals every day.

What started with Bhavinaben Patel clinching a silver in table tennis, continued with Avani Lekhara clinching a gold and a bronze.

As the days progressed, a slew of other Paralympians from their respective sport (javelin throw, high jump, archery) too joined the party and plucked goals.

Krishna Nagar’s Golden Game

On Sunday, September 5, Indian ace shuttler Krishna Nagar beat his Hong Kong badminton counterpart to clinch the gold at the Paralympics. Although the game was a close one – Nagar held on to his nerves and emerged victorious in the end. Final scoreboard was 21-17, 16-21, 21-17, Nagar won the match.

Game 1

The first game redefined the meaning of ‘neck-to-neck’ as both the players at one point were tied at 10-10. The game tilted to Man Kai’s favour as he took the score to 15-12. The lead didn’t last long and soon Krishna took the score to 19-17 and then won the first game 21-17.

Game 2

In the second game, both the players fought tooth and nail to hold on to the lead. Man Kai got the better of Krishna who was trailing 11-7. Soon, the score went to 14-10 and it looked like the game would be taken away by Man Kai. Krishna gave a glimmer of hope and somehow added more points and took the score to 19-15. By the end though, it was Man Kai who was precise and technically stronger to take the game away with 21-16.

The Decider

The decider game saw Krishna fighting with intent and establishing the lead in the initial phase of the game. The score was 5-1 first and 7-3 after a while. But Man Kai showed perseverance in the face of defeat and narrowed the gap to 7-6. As the game progressed, Man Kai seemed to be taking the gold away from Krishna and the score was 13-13. Finally, Krishna prevailed when it mattered the most and he outplayed his opponent to win the game 20-16.

Twitter Reaction to Krishna Nagar’s Gold Medal

After his gold, netizens erupted and lauded Krishna for his gold-medal worthy performance. Check out the reaction.

IAS Suhas Yathiraj’s Swings Racket to Pluck Silver

Suhas Yathiraj has a cap with feathers as large as his ambition. He’s an engineer, a district magistrate, and now, a Paralympian medal winner. In his Men’s Singles SL4 badminton final, the 38-year-old bureaucrat went down fighting hard against France’s L. Mazur to clinch a silver medal. With this, Suhas became the first ever IAS officer to have won a Paralympics medal in India’s history. The final score read 21-15, 17-21 and 15-21 in Mazur’s favour.

On his shining-silvery outing at the Paralympics, he was hailed by the netizens across the country.