Popular Punjabi singer Gurdas Mann’s anticipatory bail was rejected by the Jalandhar court today. The singer was earlier booked for his hurtful religious remarks. Earlier, Mann was speaking at a religious comprehension where he stated that Ladi Shah was the descendant of the Sikh Guru Amar Das. This led to a massive outrage by certain leaders of the Punjabi factions.


Indian singers, actors and celebrities are no stranger to controversies. Thanks to the power of Internet, now every word said by every famous person is scrutinized.

These statements are looked through multiple prisms of perspectives, and thus, these celebrities end up hurting someone or the other.

Recently lyricist Javed Akhtar faced the flak of masses and BJP followers. In an interview, Mr. Akhtar had compared BJP’s ideological parent RSS to the Taliban.

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The Facts of the Matter

Punjabi Singer Gurdas Mann, known for his popular hits such as “Ki Banu Dunia Da”, “Aisa Des Hai Mera” and many more, is now amid new controversy.

On September 8, the Jalandhar Court dismissed the anticipatory bail filed by Mann against the case he has on him for his hurtful religious sentiments.

Mann was booked under the Indian Penal Code’s Section 295 (a) (Deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage reli­gious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or reli­gious beliefs).

What Happened in the Court?

In the court, the representatives of the Sikh factions claimed that Mann’s remarks were hurtful towards the religious sentiments of the Punjabi community.

Further, the advocates also claimed that if Mann is released and given a bail, it will add to people’s resentment and wrath.

Meanwhile, Mann’s representative in the court claimed that the Singer had already apologized in a video he shared on his social media.

To this, the representatives of the Sikh factions stated that according to the law, an apology like that is invalid.

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What is the whole Gurdas Mann Controversy About?

Earlier, Mann was attending a religious congregation in Nakodar a small town in Jalandhar Punjab. The event was organizated by the Dera Baba Murad Shah.

In the event, Mann stirred up controversy after he was recorded by a slew of cameras saying that Laddi Shah – Dera Baba Murad Shah’s chief, was actually a descendant Amardas. For the unversed, Amardas is third Sikh Guru.

Soon, certain factions of Punjab conducted a protest in Nakodar. One such faction – the Satkar Committee – also went on to occupy the highway as a protest.

The faction also marched forth for an FIR against Mann and claimed that if an FIR was not filed, the protest would me widespread across the state.

Soon, the respective police jurisdiction filed an FIR against the Punjabi singer.

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Gurdas Mann’s Recent Tryst with Controversy

It should be noted that this is not the first time Mann has publicly outraged his peers from the Punjabi community. Earlier last year, the popular Punjabi singer was not allowed to enter the Farmer’s Protest at the Singhu Border region.

Mann on Hindustani Language

It so happened that Mann was earlier asked to respond on certain objectionable remarks against Punjabi language by Sardar Panchi & Hukam Chand Rajpal. Mann weighed in on the issue and was quoted by multiple reports saying that there must be a Hindustani language which not only has Hindi words, but also include words from Urdu and Punjabi.

This led to wide protest against Mann. During a show in Surrey, Canada, Mann was faced by a slew of protestors who demanded an apology. His trials weren’t just limited to Canada. Soon, he faced issues in various states. He had to cancel certain concerts due to the city-wide protests.

However, Mann didn’t budge and went on to say that one must teach Hindi to their children. He further added that if one only sticks to knowing Punjabi, it would limit them.