In the ongoing Raj Kundra case, his wife and actress Shilpa Shetty was interrogated for 6 hours by the Mumbai Police after which it was reported that Kundra’s police custody has been extended. On July 23, the Crime Branch took to Kundra’s residence in Juhu to conduct searches and interrogate Shetty for her statement.
The Raj Kundra scandal regarding the production and distribution of pornographic content sees a new development every day. After he was arrested for the coming days, the Mumbai Police on Friday went to the Kundra couple residence in Juhu and conducted a search of the residence. The police also questioned Shetty for 6 hours regarding her involvement in the matter.
Why did the Mumbai Police question Shilpa Shetty?
Actress and businesswoman Shilpa’s involvement in the matter comes not only by her marital relationship with Raj – who’s at the front and center of this scandal – but also because of a major reason. According to the police, during the investigation, it was found that the pornographic content was shared on Hotshots application. The application was owned by Kenrin Private Limited – who’s everyday operations ran from Mumbai’s Viaan Industries.
Also Read: Raj Kundra Arrest: A Tip off, A Raid, Multiple Arrests – This is How Cops got to Kundra
Shilpa is the ex-director of Viaan Industries
The director of the Mumbai based Viaan Industries was none another than Shilpa Shetty. Reportedly the police wanted to know whether she had knowledge of pornographic content being published on an app associated to her company. Several reports are also stating that the police wanted to know the reason of her quitting Viaan Industries.
Mumbai Police Sought Custody Extension for Kundra
Earlier on Friday, the Mumbai Police took to the High Court to extend Kundra’s police custody. The police told the court that during its investigation, the Hotshots app had earned approximately Rs. 4 to 10 lakh per month.
It further submitted to the court that chats were found where Kundra can be seen discussing selling as many as 119 adult films to a person for Rs. 1.2 million. Forensic data such as transaction invoices between Kenrin and a separate advertising portal on pornographic websites were also found.
Also Read: Raj Kundra under Police Custody till 23rd July, Detained In Pornographic Case
Kundra May Have Laundered Money through Online Betting Platform
The police’s remand application also had a mention of Kundra’s bank statements where certain transactions were related to ‘Mercury International’. Mercury International is an online betting platform and the police claimed that it will be looking into the fact whether Kundra was putting money into the betting platform by the pornographic platform or using the betting platform to launder the money.
Meanwhile, the police added another IPC section on Kundra – Section 201 (Destruction of evidence). The police slapped Kundra with IPC Section 201 after Kundra told his employees to remove data related to Hotshots.
The Mumbai Police wanted an extension of custody so that it could interrogate Kundra regarding a $1.2 million deal which sold the 119 adult films mentioned earlier. It was also claimed that raid on the office led the police to financial forensic documents where transactions were laid out of customers getting Hotshots subscription.
Also Read: Shilpa Shetty’s Husband Raj Kundra Arrested for a Case Related to Pornographic Movies
This is What Kundra’s Advocate Argued
In the court, Kundra’s representative Aabad Ponda shared that the Kundra has been detained on bailable offences. Further, he said how there were no evidences in relation to the two bailable offences that Kundra is booked under – Section 67A and Section 292.