Bollywood actor Salman Khan has filed a defamation complaint against actor Kamaal R Khan (KRK), over his review of the freshly released Hindi film ‘Radhe’. Salman Khan has filed his plea in Mumbai Court.
Kamaal Rashid Khan, who is well known as KRK, is known for this controversial yet viral movie reviews on YouTube has landed himself in trouble this time. Bollywood megastar Salman Khan has filed a defamation complaint in a Mumbai court against KRK over the review of his newly-released Hindi film ‘Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai’.
KRK took over Twitter to express his emotions and also the legal notice about the defamation case. He started off by posting a picture of the legal notice he received from Salman’s side. He started off by saying that:
“Dear #Salmankhan Ye defamation case Aapki Hataasha Aur Niraasha Ka Saboot Hai (this translates to- Dear Salman Khan this defamation case signifies your disappointment). I am giving review for my followers and doing my job. You should make better films instead of stopping me from reviewing your films. Main Sacchi Ke Liye Ladta Rahunga (I’ll keep fighting for the truth)! Thank you for the case. “
Dear #Salmankhan Ye defamation case Aapki Hataasha Aur Niraasha Ka Saboot Hai. I am giving review for my followers and doing my job. You should make better films instead of stopping me from reviewing your films. Main Sacchi Ke Liye Ladta Rahunga! Thank you for the case. 🙏🌹
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) May 25, 2021
Adding to the series of tweets he later mentioned that, “I said so many times that I never review film of any producer, actor if he asks me to not review. Salman khan filed defamation case on me for review of #Radhe means he is getting too much affected by my review. Hence, I won’t review his films anymore. My last video will be releasing today.”
I said so many times that I never review film of any producer, actor if he asks me to not review. Salman khan filed defamation case on me for review of #Radhe means he is getting too much affected by my review. Hence I won’t review his films anymore. My last video releasing today
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) May 26, 2021
While noticing the case getting serious and the things getting out of his hands, KRK even requested Salman’s father and veteran writer Salim Khan to ask Salman Khan to not proceed with the case. He even posted a series of tweets for making this request to Salim Khan.
Respected @luvsalimkhan Sahab, I am not here to destroy @BeingSalmanKhan films or his career. I review films just for fun. If I know that Salman get affected by my review so I won’t review. If he could have asked me to not review his film So I would have not reviewed.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) May 26, 2021
As per the legal notice, Salman Khan’s advocacy team will be taking the matter for an urgent hearing before an additional session’s judge of the city civil court on the upcoming Thursday. This is not the first time that KRK has initiated a controversy. On several times, he has been in the news for calling out on various celebs and by making his content go viral for doing absurd things which most of the times leads to a sparking controversy.
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