In a heartbreaking development for Samantha-Naga fans, Samantha Prabhu and Naga Chaitaniya announced separation after 4 years of marriage. Further, reports are claiming that Samantha denied Rs. 200 crores alimony from her now separated partner. The couple will now head to the inevitable end of their relationship – divorce.
The couple had gotten married in October 2017 and had since been giving their fans major couple goals. However, lately there were rumours that all was not well between the couple. On October 2, the couple announced their separation and asked support and privacy from fans.
All that glitters may not be gold. The Indian film industry is the epitome of the statement. The industry is filled with several couples that appear to be made for each other. However, a lot goes on behind the screen and away from the camera. Like real-world couples, reel-life couples also go through a tough phase and fail to make it through.
Recently, South Indian film industry’s favourite couple Naga-Chaitanya and Samantha Prabhu announced a separation.
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The Facts of the Matter
On October 2, Samantha Prabhu announced his separation from Naga Chaitanya. She laid all the speculations about her relationship to rest and confirmed the rumours that all was not well between her and her husband. The rumours began when Samantha dropped ‘Akkineni’ from her Instagram handle.
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Samantha Announces Separation on Instagram
Taking to Instagram, Samantha penned a heartfelt message to all her fans.
“After much deliberation and thought, Chay and I have decided to part ways as husband and wife to pursue our own paths. We are fortunate enough to have a friendship of over a decade that was the very core of our relationship which we believe will always hold a special bond between us,” the actress’ note read.
She further added, “We request our fans, well wishers, and the media to support us during this difficult time and give us the privacy we need to move on”.
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Nagarjuna, Kangana Ranaut Reacts to Samantha-Naga Separation
Meanwhile, several Bollywood celebrities reacted to the news of the Tollywood couple’s separation. For the unversed, megastar Nagarjuna is the father of Naga Chaityanya. The aggrieved actor took to Instagram and wished the couple well. He also labelled the separation as “unfortunate’.
In his heartfelt Instagram post, Nagarjuna wrote, “With a heavy heart, let me say this! whatever happened between Sam and Chay is very unfortunate. What happens between a wife and husband is very personal. Sam and Chay are dear to me. My family will always cherish the moments spent with sam and she will always be dear to us! May God bless them both with strength.”
— Nagarjuna Akkineni (@iamnagarjuna) October 2, 2021
Kangana Ranaut meanwhile expressed her own beliefs on divorce and men’s responsibility for divorces around the country. Claiming that there’s a divorce country that’s “growing like never before”, she said that, “Whenever divorce happens, fault is always of the man…. may sound orthodox or too judgemental but this is how God has made man and woman their nature and dynamics…”
She further labelled Naga as a brat and said, “Stop being kind to these brats who change women like clothes and then claim to be their best friends…yes out of hundred one woman can be wrong but that’s the ratio.”
Shame on these brats who get encouragement from the media and fans. They hail them and judge the woman… Divorce culture is growing like never before”, she added.
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The Curious Case of 200 Cr Alimony
While the news of Samantha’s separation with Naga is still making ways, a new development has emerged in the story. Reportedly, the Super Deluxe actress was offered an alimoney of Rs. 200 crores by her husband’s family.
However, after contemplation, she denied the alimony. Reports are claiming that her denial came as she considers herself to be an “independent” woman who doesn’t want to rely on the Naga family.