In a news pertaining to the Bollywood industry, Shalini Talwar, wife of rapper and singer Yo Yo Honey Singh filed a complaint after alleging domestic abuse against him. The notice is filed in a local Delhi court and the court has issued a notice which Singh will have to respond to by August 28. The update comes after another television artist Nisha Rawal filed a complaint against her actor husband Karan Mehra.
Hirdesh Singh, popularly known as his rapping name Yo Yo Honey Singh has found himself surrounded in another controversy. According to reports Singh’s wife Shalini has alleged domestic violence against her husband and has taken to a local Delhi court for respite.
The Facts of the Matter
The wife of the popular singer, rapper has taken to the Tis Hazari court in Delhi. News agency ANI reported today that Shalini filed the complaint under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. Delhi’s Tis Hazari Court has issued notice to the singer and sought his response over it.” Reportedly the complaint has been filed before Tania Singh, Chief Metropolitan Magistrate of the local court mentioned above.
Case filed against Bollywood singer & actor ‘Yo Yo Honey Singh (Hirdesh Singh) by his wife Shalini Talwar under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. Delhi’s Tis Hazari Court has issued notice to the singer and sought his response over it
(file photo)
— ANI (@ANI) August 3, 2021
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Court Rules Interim Order in Favour of Shalini
While no public comment has been made by Honey Singh or his wife Shalini, the court has passed an interim order ruling in favour of Talwar which states that Honey Singh can’t dispose his property that’s owned by the couple jointly. Singh will have to responded to the notice by August 28. Shalini was represented by Karanjawala & Company’s advocates Sandeep Kumar, Apoorava Kashyap and GG Kashyap.
Who is Shalini Singh, wife of Honey Singh?
In 2014, Singh introduced her wife Shalini to the masses during the episode of India’s Raw Star where the rapper was a judge. Shalini is an active Instagram user and for the first few years, she posted pictures of her domestic life with Singh. However recently Shalini had been posted several images and quotes pertaining to misogyny, abuse and such topics.
Shalini’s Instagram Posts – A Cry for Help?
The most recent picture Shalini shared on Instagram had a text written which said, “Never excuse someone’s blatant lying. It only proves their lack of character, integrity, deceitfulness, and evil mindset”. With the image she had written “lessons learned in life”, “wronged”, and “dangerous minds” as hashtag.
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In another image Shalini had added a caption which read “No matter which category of society we belong, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, whether you’re famous or not, the plight of a woman is same in the face of atrocities.” She added “hash reality” and “narcissist abuse” as the hashtag.
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Although it can’t be ascertained whether these posts were Shalini’s cry-for-help or just things she believes in, it is sure interesting that these images have been shared very recently. And thus, may give a glimpse into the reality of her day-to-day life.
Yo Yo Honey Singh’s Controversial Past
While the rapper’s life has been devoid of any conflicts in the past few years, Singh was caught up in a massive controversial storm in 2013 as an aftermath of the Delhi rape case. The rapper was slammed by the masses and the classes after his rap song ‘Main Hoon Balatkari (I am a rapist)’ was released. The actor later stated how he had not penned the lyrics but only sang the part. He further alleged that his critics are using him as a ‘scapegoat’.
During a court hearing the judges labelled the songs “shameful” and “disrespectful to women”. Before making it big in the industry, Singh was soaring high after some of his rap songs that depicted violence against women.