Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty and husband Raj Kundra has sent a Rs. 50 crores defamation case to Sherlyn Chopra. Earlier, Chopra had filed a sexual harassment case against both Kundra and Shetty. Further, Chopra had raised another complaint against the couple for mental harassment a week ago. In the wake of the multiple cases Chopra has filed, both Raj and Shilpa have taken an action against Sherlyn. The power couple have asked for a public apology and Rs. 50 crores from Chopra for her ‘below the belt’ remarks she made on public platforms.
It seems as if it was yesterday that businessman Raj Kundra found himself embroiled in a controversy regarding the production and distribution of adult content. For the unversed, Kundra and his company were found guilty of producing adult content and distributing it on the Hotshots application. Kundra, along with his associate Ryan Thorpe were arrested by Mumbai Police and further, their bails were rejected by the police.
After the situation fizzled out, another controversy seems to be brewing with Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra slapping actress Sherlyn Chopra with a defamation case
The Facts of the Matter
Actress Shilpa Shetty and her husband Raj Kundra have sent a defamation notice worth Rs. 50 crores to actress Sherlyn Chopra for her “lewd, below the belt” comments she made on public platforms. Chopra had earlier filed a complaint against Raj and Shilpa for alleged mental harassment.
The actress claimed that Kundra and Shetty had committed fraud against her. ANI had quoted Chopra saying, “‘I’ve filed a complaint to register FIR against Raj Kundra for sexual harassment, cheating and criminal intimidation.”
Sherlyn’s Prior Complaints Against Shilpa & Raj
Sherlyn had further alleged that Raj threatened her when she had taken to the police and because of that, she withdrew her case. However, after mustering the courage, she will be fighting a case against her. Further, she claimed that Kundra had visited her and had assaulted her. She also claimed that she did a photoshoot for Kundra under pressure.
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Raj and Shilpa’s Statement on Defamation Case
Meanwhile, Raj and Shilpa sent a defamation notice and an official statement was issued which read, “The entire allegations made by Ms. Sherlyn Chopra against Mr. Raj Kundra and Ms. Shilpa Shetty Kundra, are concocted, false, fake, frivolous, baseless, without any evidence, even to Ms. Sherlyn Chopra’s knowledge and have been made with an ulterior motive to defame and extort money.”
Chopra’s Allegations “Audacious Attempt”
The statement further adds that the allegations Chopra made was her “audacious attempt” to drag the couple in public eye for “unwanted controversy and gain media attention.” “We have complete faith in the Indian Judiciary, and we would be initiating civil criminal proceedings against Ms. Sherlyn Chopra before the competent court of Law, for Justice. We have put a defamation of 50 cr against Sherlyn Chopra,” the statement further reads.
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Sherlyn Asked 48 Lakhs from Shilpa Shetty & Raj Kundra
According to an India Today report, Chopra had told Shetty this year that her harassment complaint against Kundra was fake and that she was suggested by her lawyer to file a case against Kundra. Further, the defamation case mentions that Chopra called Shetty and claimed that she was ashamed of her for filing a complaint against Kundra. Further, Shetty and Kundra’s notice adds that Sherlyn had asked Rs. 48,00,000 from them with an intent of extortion.